Book One: Chapter 7

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While sitting next to the driver, I couldn't stop thinking about what was wrong with me. I had no control when I totally chased a cat, barked at a car, and stolen a kid's frisbee with dog drool all over it.

Yuck! I could still taste it in my mouth.

The driver stopped his car in the parking lot near my highschool. Thank god I didn't need to walk further from downtown. What if I bite a guy's butt or pee on a fire hydrate?

When I got out, I waved to the driver. "Thank you!"

He waved back and drove off.

What a totally nice guy. Obviously, he didn't want me to sue him. If my dad was here, that man would never see the light of day ever again.

My watch now said it was 10:00 am. Math was my first session, and it usually ends in half an hour.

Sweet! I don't have to stay in that boring class for long.

Hurrah for me!

I walked up the steps and pushed the door. But it didn't open.

What the hell?

Oh crap!

I totally forgot the school locked the doors after the bell rings. Who the hell thought that was a good idea?

To find another way in, not like I was trespassing, I circled around the building. The back only has one window open, which was totally good enough for me.

I squatted and leaped into the window, grabbing on the ledge, and climbed through. Years of jumping jack could totally turn you into a frog.

Inside, I landed on the ceramic tile floor and rose slowly, standing between rows of blue lockers. It must be a locker room, probably close to the P.E gym.

"Have you seen Amelie at the party last night?" said a male's voice from an open door where stream clouded out from.

"Yeah, dude!" shouted another male voice. "She got the biggest ass I ever have seen!"

Oh crap! I climbed into the boys' locker room! If I get caught, my action will screw my life!

Instead of hiding, I ran straight to the exit. The smartest thing to do, right?

I reached the door, but it opened as a tall middle-aged man stepped in, glaring at me.

Crap! Coach Hogan!

How could I tell?

Well, he was the only biggest man at our school wearing a white tank top and jeans pants. A red baseball cap covered his bald head, but not his hairy big ass arms.

I swore he came from prison. If that was true, our school was totally nuts.

I gulped, knowing I was now screwed.


Damn, I was totally screwed! Sitting in the office was like waiting for the electric chair.

All I could do was watch the secretary tap on her computer like she was playing the piano.

Ewwww! How could she totally type with those long red fingernails? And those enormous glasses on her bony face reminded me of my grandmother. God bless her! My grandmother, I meant. She passed away three years ago.


God, the typing noises kept ringing through my freaking ears! I covered my ears, only signaling the secretary to pause at me with an awkward look.

I lowered my hands to avoid her glaring look on me. Geez, I guessed listening to her tapping fingers was better than staring at her angry face.

The secretary shrugged and continued to type on her computer.

Ah crap! Not her noise again!

"Jessica, you can come in now!" the principal shouted from his office.

Finally! I walked into the office where Principal Hartman sat behind his desk, drinking a cup of coffee. He was a fat man in a white shirt and overall pants. And being half bald can make an old man look terrible. "Please sit down."

My heart raced as I sat down. In a few minutes, my death sentence was about to come straight out of his mouth.

"Jessica, can you please tell me why you were in the boys' locker room?" Hartman asked.

Okay, I had to be totally honest with him, or else he would classify me as a pervert. That would totally ruin my cheerleading career here. "Why? You locked the freaking front door! What else was I supposed to do?"

"You know, it is part of my policy to close the doors when school starts. That way the students will not be late for school. I don't like students coming here late. It makes my school look bad."

"But what am I supposed to do if I cannot get in? I know it is my fault for being late, but I totally don't wanna get flanked."

"I understand, but this is how our school works. What I am doing is teaching you kids how rough life is. If you don't make it on time, then you have to suffer for it. Sneaking into the boys' locker room doesn't give you the excuse to get in while you are late. If you cannot get in, then you will miss school. Understand?"

Oh my god! That was totally stupid!

Being late shouldn't matter at all. Most of us still come on time with our freaking pants down sometimes. But we shouldn't suffer for it! What was the point if we keep missing our classes?

And for the record, I got sick and tired of staying at home since I left the hospital. My friends needed to know what happened to my poor huckie, Mark. They must be worrying after they heard the news.

Anyway, I had to stay on the principal's good side, even if he was being a total dick. "Yes, sir."

"I'll give you one chance here," said Hartman. "If you get into mischief again here, you will be in detention. Understand?"

I nodded.

Geez, my entire day better not get totally worse later.

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