Book Two: Chapter 17

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Inside the restroom on the third floor, I turned the sink faucet on, releasing the water. I took off my shoes, socks, and dunked them into the cold water.

My bare feet felt better on the icy marble white floor. They were sweating inside my shoes for hours inside the ballroom. So much body heat melted all over me in there. Too bad I couldn't take a shower inside the castle.

The stomach acid vomit on my shoes still reeked as I rubbed it off. Damn, did Rory drink gasoline?

I turned the water to hot so the vomit will wash off quicker. The green, brownish stain barely faded off.

After I turned the faucet off, the door creaked open behind me. I turned around and saw Betty closing the door. She smiled at me like a total creep.

"Uh-hello!" I shouted. "This restroom is occupied."

"I know." Betty clicked the doorknob, locking it. "That's why I came in here to see you in private."

My heart raced and my lips trembled. "Look..... I know you are gay, but I am totally straight."

Betty stopped and lowered her eyebrows. "What?"

I pointed my finger at her. "You planned to make out with me in here, right?"

Betty snarled. "No!"


"Cut the bullshit! I know you are a werewolf."

My eyes widened. "Excuse me?"

Betty smirked with her hands on her hips. "I smelled your scent when I ran into you. Don't you know a thing about your kind?"

Oh crap! I should have known when I saw her yellow wolfish eyes. God, I was totally stupid!

"What do you want?" I asked, slowly shuffling my bare feet to the right as my back touched the wall.

Betty stepped toward me. Her eyes glowed yellowishly. "I'll go straight to the point. My pack is outside, surrounding this castle. When I howl, all the humans will become our Halloween buffet. Every single one."

My back shuddered.

She stood so close toward me, I smelled her musky scent from her warm skin. She was totally a werewolf, and her pack planned to eat my friends tonight? What the hell!

"Why are you telling me this?" I sputtered.

Betty smiled, flashing her sharp white teeth. "I want to see what side you are on. When a wolf stranger is caught in a pack's feeding ground, well....." She ran a claw through my blonde hair. "Things can get very messy, and there can only be one alpha bitch."

I could feel my spine raising inside my back, and my claws slowly grew out. Fear and the urge to defend myself woke the beast inside me a little.

Betty clicked her tongue. "But since I do find you hot, I will give you two choices."

She touched my chin, aiming my lips toward her mouth. Her fresh minty breath flowed into my face, nearly putting me into her trance. I kept glaring into her eyes without going full berserk-go on her ass.

"You can join my pack and feed with us, or....." She rubbed her claw down my cheek. "I will tear off your beautiful head before you could scream for help. In here, you are my bitch, under my mercy. Without your head, you will not recover for a long time. So what will it be? The easy way, or the hard way?"

I breathed slowly while keeping my cool down. If I move, Betty could easily rip my head off and toss it into the toilet. And I totally didn't want a swirlie.

"You totally think I will let you eat my friends, right here, right now?" I snarled.

Betty tilted her head. "Is that a no?"

I swallowed. "I didn't say-"

Betty grabbed my neck and squeezed it. "I'm giving you no choice, bitch. Say yes, or no. Do you want to become a pile of gore on this bathroom floor? It will be so painful, you will wish you could die quickly."

I choked, clenching my teeth. What could I do without losing my head? 

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