Book Two: Chapter 3

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The two Hawk players held out their arms, ready to jump toward Brian like hungry wolves. Hawks I meant! Our team is wolves. Heeheehee.

Brian kept running, rushing toward the players. What was he totally thinking? If he runs into them, they will-


Brian launched himself into the air, flying over the Hawks. He landed on his feet behind them and continued his run.

That move totally astonished me, making my heart race! How could he jump like that?

He leaped as if he stepped on a spring, hidden on the ground. No bulky guy could jump like a freaking horse. He would need to be totally athletic with a light body to jump like that. But his upper body looked heavier than his legs, probably a hundred pounds or so. Either way, his move looked unnatural, like how I could jump with my wolf powers.

And no. If Brian was a werewolf, I would have already smelled his scent. My wolf nose can smell anything.

He charged before leaping again, and then he slid across the Hawks' touch zone. His head almost bumped into the goal post.

The referee blew his whistle, so hard, his red cheeks puffed out. "Touchdown!"

After the clock rang, the crowd roared like a thunderstorm, rocking my bones. We barely won before the timer ran out. Thank god!

The girls and I jumped off the bench to shake our pom-poms for the victor. Tiffany, on the other hand, dropped her pom-poms and rushed to her boyfriend. She tackled him like a hungry rhino. She held him down and kissed him, flat on his lips.

Oh my god..... Tiffany totally has no definition of getting a room. But everyone else didn't seem to care. They kept cheering while the other team walked away with their tails between their legs.

So long losers!

That was what you get for leaving a cow on our school's rooftop.

Seriously, they actually did that last week!

When school started, everyone kept hearing the cow moan outside. We didn't where it was freaking coming from until the janitor called the fire department. He found the cow standing on the roof, crying its head off. The poor thing was stranded and totally confused.

After the firefighters rescued the cow, the police discovered the cow came from a farm near the Hillside high school. The Hawks admitted they left the cow on our roof for a harmless prank. But they still got busted for stealing a defenseless cow. They're just totally pissed at us for losing their last game.

Freaking A-holes. They better not steal another cow for losing this game. My dad would totally lock them up for good.


After the game, we joined Brian's celebration at Burger Queen, the best diner in Moondale. While his team gobbled up the burgers at the back, Brain sat with us near his girlfriend.

I ate a basket full of barbeque chicken strips and drank a bottle of cola. My diet was still meat and meat only. Werewolves can only eat meat. Anything green will make them sick. I don't know why since I was a vegan. But overall, eating meat was better than getting sick.

"How in the world could you jump like that?" Holly asked, twinkling her eyes.

Brian sucked up his chocolate milkshake and allowed his breath to escape. "Protein, baby. Lots of protein."

I glared at him. "What protein? Like superhuman juice?"

Brian placed his paper cup down. "The best kind in the world."

He glanced at Tiffany and tickled her belly.

"Oh, Brian!" She giggled while slapping his chest. "You're going to make me puke! Heeheehee!"

My stomach grumbled. Already I felt like puking as they acted like little children.

"Awwwwww, you two are cute together," Malaya purred. "I could mash you both together inside a blender."

My god, does anyone has a sense of dignity in my squad?

I licked the sauce off my lips"So Brian, Tiffany said you are throwing a Halloween party tomorrow. Did your parents leave?"

Brian took a fry and nibbled on it. "Yeah. Cool, huh? My parents didn't leave, though. They are joining the adults at the town hall Halloween party. Boring!" He swallowed the fry. "But my Halloween party will blow everyone's minds. It will be scary and fun."

"Where will your party be?"

"The Dregan Keep. You know, that creepy old castle at Moon Island?" He ate another fry. "It is the perfect spot for a Halloween party."

I never heard about the castle before, but Moon Island was the perfect spot for a private party.

"Excellent idea, Brian!" Malaya exclaimed. "But how will we get there?"

"And I don't think our parents will allow us to party there at night," said Holly.

Brian grinned. "Trust me, I know someone who can take us there across the lake. Just make up a story for your parents, and we won't have a problem."

"Ooookay." I pointed my finger at Tiffany. "But no sex."

My captain laughed. "You are totally a party pooper, Jessica. You can trust us."

Going to an isolated creepy castle might not be so bad, but after my monster encounter with Mark, my toes were always ready to spring into danger. Still, I wasn't sure if this Halloween party was a good idea. 

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