Book Three: Chapter 15

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Kevin parked his car near the sidewalk and turned the engine off. “Can you still sense him, Salina?” 

The witch glared at him. "I am not a radar unit. He's still inside."

"How can we get rid of it?" I asked.

Salina placed a black book on her lap, covered in golden Egyptian hieroglyphs. She opened it and licked her two fingers before turning the pages. She stopped on one page and rubbed her finger across it. "It says here only the lord of the dead can defeat a mummy. To summon him, the mummy has to touch the Anubis pentagram. Anubis will come and take the mummy back to the Afterlife for judgment."

"Who is Anubis?" I asked.

Salina glared at me. "The lord of the dead. Sometimes he is the god of mummification, lost souls, and the ruler of the Afterlife. Didn't you learn mythology in school? Or you dumb blondes were too busy reading fashion magazines."

I growled. "I'm totally going to summon Anubis to drag your ass to hell!"

Salina laughed. "I would dig that."

I felt like threatening her was pointless. How could a witch not be so offended? Was she using a spell to control her emotions?

"Teamwork, please!" Kevin shouted. "Salina, can you craft the pentagram?"

Salina closed the book. "Piece of cake. If Ms.Blonde here can lure Toilet Paper man to the circle, he's a goner. But we need a place to set the trap."

I stared outside, biting my lip. "Could the front be okay?"

"If you can chase him out, sure."

I stretched my fingers together. "Okey-dokey. I'll turn into the Big Bad Wolf and chase that sucker toward the trap."

"Or you can make him chase you out," Salina suggested.

I shrugged. "Whatever will work I guess."

"Then let's begin." Kevin pushed the driver’s side door open. "The place should be empty unless the mummy killed the new security."

I glared at him. "You made it sound like that is a good thing!"

"No it isn't, but without security, we won't have a problem catching the thing."

I sneered. "Don't get weird like Salina."

"Hey! Weirdness is the way of life!" The witch shouted. "Get over it."

Oh my god, I totally wanted to eat her right now! Not literally I mean…..


Near the museum front door, Salina drew the pentagram on the concrete floor with a charcoal stick. She drew the circle first, then a star with Egyptian symbols around it. On the center of the star, she drew an eye as the last touch.

"It is done." She rose toward me. "Now you must drag the mummy to the pentagram."

"Okay, but what if he runs out the other way?" I asked, pointing her thumb at the museum.

Salina rubbed her head, smudging ashes of charcoal on her forehead. "Keep chasing his butt until you can knock him out."

"Knock him out?"

"Sure, anything can be knocked out. If he escapes, it's your furry ass's fault."

I clenched my fists. I needed to keep my anger in check and unleash it on the mummy instead. After all, it was the mummy's fault for murdering innocent people. Not Salina. But who knew what she would be like if she became a bloodthirsty psychopath.

"Alright, I'm going in to transform," I said. "You suppose you two will stay out here to trap the mummy."

Salina crossed her arms. "Yeah, I will chant a spell on the mummy when he steps on the pentagram. It shouldn't take long to make him disappear."

"And I will be on the lookout for cops or other people," said Kevin. 

"Good." Before I entered the museum, Kevin placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Remember, be careful if you find him," said Kevin. "He can suck your life force away. Don't underestimate him."

I padded his hand with a grin. "No sweat. I'll totally unwrap his bandages off his butt and give him a good spanking."

Kevin laughed. "Go get him, girl!"


Inside the lobby, the lights were still on, but everything was very quiet. I approached the security guard’s desk while stepping on my toes quietly. 

I didn't know how sensitive the mummy might be. If the mummy already knew I was coming, I would already be dead.

I wasn't sure if getting my life force sucked would totally kill me anyway. If Kevin said magic could still hurt me, I must be wary about it. Without me, who else could protect this town? 

I looked over the desk and spotted another corpse, sitting on the chair. He wore a blue uniform and a guard hat. Just like the other guard found dead in the exhibit, his dark skin dried up. Eyes white and his mouth hung open without life. Perhaps the mummy attacked the guard before the guard noticed. 


I glanced at the security monitors on the desk. All the screens buzzed without giving me a single clear display.

The mummy could have noticed the screens and switched them off. Or he unleashed a spell to blind all the surveillance cameras throughout the museum. Smart move so the cops wouldn't show up again. However, the mummy will never expect me.

I approached the stairway and stripped my clothes off. While gritting my teeth with my eyes closed, the muscles in my body expanded. I felt my white fur sprouting across my skin, my tail grew out, feet turned long, and my fingernails sharpened into claws. 

After my face shifted into a wolf's head, I licked my fangs and sniffed the air. I instantly caught the mummy's scent on the second floor. Time to begin the monster rumble!

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