Book Two: Chapter 25

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“Hey, you big ugly furballs!” I approached the wolves and wiggled my ass in front of them. “You want some of this? Come and get it, bitches!”
The werewolves snarled, smiling as drool dripped down their fangs. I totally got their attention.
The moment they charged, I sprinted down the trail. My bare feet burned as I ran, pumping my super adrenaline up my legs.
I wished I could look back to make sure my friends made it to the castle safely. But werewolves never stop until they catch their prey.
I spun into the woods off the trail. I should be further away from my squad’s sight. Now the fun can finally start.
I stopped behind a tree and leaned my back against the tree bark. The wolves dashed past me, missing my sight.
I clambered up the tree and perched on a long thick branch. Below, the wolves halted and looked around, sniffing. They will find me soon, so I totally better take them out. I couldn’t kill them without silver, but I can knock out their furry asses down. Plus, I totally know kung-fu.

I took one class at the Yellow Dragon studio in downtown. My dad paid for the class. excited that I finally decided to learn self-defense. True, but if I was going to fight monsters, I needed to learn a good fighting style to overpower them. If Asians could beat monsters with their iron fists, so can I. Well, maybe not all Asians know kung-fu, but you get my drift.

My white fur sprouted across my changing body. My bones and muscles expanded as the heat burned through my veins. I licked my fangs growing inside my stretching mouth.

Transforming was still painful, but not too much since I changed before. It felt like a hot invisible force pulling me apart and molding me into something new. Worse than working out for hours inside a gym.

After my claws and tail grew, I jumped down and landed on one of the wolves. I punched his skull until he stopped moving. Then I growled at his buddy.

The wolf-man widened his yellow eyes, probably startled. He totally didn’t expect me to be a big white werewolf.

He snarled and perched on all-fours, preparing to pounce me. I stood upon the tips of my clawed toes, raising my fists up in a fighting stance.

When the wolf charged, I leaped and swung my foot into his face. He fell back and landed near a tree.

I picked up a rock and slammed it against his head. He groaned before his silence. Although I could see his red brain matter through his cracked bleeding skull, he still breathed. I have to go back so I can grab Kevin’s silver stakes to finish off the wolves, once and for all. But how will I hold a silver stake without burning my hand off? What a good damn question…..

My ears rose when a dozen howls echoed around me. My fur stood up down my back, leaving me with a ton of chills.

It sounded like the entire pack was charging toward my direction. How many were there, and could I take them all on my own?

Yellow eyes blinked in the darkness around me. I only saw four eyes so far.

"You are an interesting pup after all," a girl whispered behind me.

I spun around and saw Betty stepping out from the dark bushes. She walked barefoot, and dark green leaves hung in her long red curly hair.

She stopped and placed her hands on her hips. "I know we started off on the right foot, but why don't we have a nice girl chat, huh?"

A girl chat? Last time, she totally tried to kill me. Why does she want to talk to me now?

Something hard smashed behind my head, pushing me to the ground. 
Betty growled before the darkness swallowed me. "You idiot! I wanted to talk to her!"

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