Book Four: Chapter 10

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As the zombie was about to sink its teeth into my face, I closed my eyes, waiting for the worst. But then, a glint of steel caught my eye, and a sharp blade sliced through the air, separating the zombie's head from its body. I opened my eyes to see a mysterious knight standing before me, his helmet still on.

"Are you alright, my lady?" he asked, his voice so beautiful it almost made me forget the zombie horde around us.

I blushed at the nickname, feeling a strange attraction to this stranger. But I couldn't let myself get distracted. "Yes, thank you," I replied, turning back to the fight.

The knight joined us in our battle against the zombies, his sword glinting in the fog. Kevin used his bow and arrows, and Salina cast spells with her staff, while I fought with my sword.

As we continued to fight, I stole glances at the knight when his helmet fell off, admiring his long dreadlock hair and brown chiseled features. He was like a black knight in shining armor, come to rescue us from this zombie-infested land.

But just as we thought we had defeated them all, another zombie crept up behind me. I didn't even see it coming until the knight grabbed me and pulled me out of harm's way.

"Stay alert, my lady," he warned, his voice stern but protective.

I nodded, feeling grateful and more attracted to him than ever. This knight had saved my life, and I knew I couldn't let myself get distracted again. We had a mission to complete, and who knew what other dangers lay ahead.

To my surprise, a fat zombie crawled out from the ground, and we all stood in disbelief at the sight of it. It was massive, easily eight feet tall and three times the size of a normal human. Its skin was green and decaying, and it smelled worse than anything we had encountered before.

The knight was the first to charge at the zombie, wielding his sword with great skill. He sliced at the zombie's legs, causing it to stumble and fall to the ground. I ran in, sword at the ready, and slashed at its arm. Kevin shot arrows at its face, but they bounced off harmlessly. Salina used her staff to cast spells at the zombie, but they seemed to have no effect.

The zombie roared and swung its massive arm, knocking the knight to the ground. I rushed over to help him up, but the zombie came at us with incredible speed. It grabbed the knight by the leg and threw him across the street, where he hit the wall of a nearby building with a sickening thud.

I was about to charge at the zombie, but Salina grabbed my arm. "Wait," she said, "let me try something." 

She closed her eyes and began to chant. Suddenly, a bright light surrounded her staff, and she thrust it at the zombie. The light hit the zombie's chest, and it let out a blood-curdling scream before falling to the ground, dead.

We all stood there, panting and covered in zombie guts. The knight got up, shook himself off, and approached us. "Well fought, my friends," he said, "you are truly brave warriors."

I blushed at his compliment, feeling a strange attraction to him.

Salina's eyes narrowed. "Who the hell are you!?"

The knight kneeled before us. "Please do not be afraid. I am Terrin the Fearless. I came from the Vivell Kingdom to vanquish the evil Lord Dregan. I heard your distress and decided to come to your aid."

I could sense that Salina was still skeptical, but I was grateful for his help.

Before I could thank him, I heard unsettling growls coming from the mist. The hair on the back of my neck stood up, and my skin felt cold as ice.

"We need to leave now," I said, my voice shaking slightly. Kevin and Salina nodded in agreement, and we quickly mounted our horses. 

Terrin joined us on his own horse, and we galloped away from the village as fast as we could.

As we rode through the fog, I couldn't help but feel grateful for Terrin's help, but also a bit attracted to him. He was like a knight in shining armor, and his voice was smooth like honey. I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. We had to focus on getting out of this land alive.


We entered the abandoned house with caution, checking every corner before we could relax. I breathed a sigh of relief when I confirmed no zombies were hiding inside. The house was empty, with little furniture, but it was a safe place for us to rest.

We sat around a small table, and I introduced ourselves to Terrin. "I'm Jessica, and these are my friends, Kevin and Salina," I said, pointing to each of them.

Terrin nodded, "It's a pleasure to meet you all. So, what brings you to this dangerous land?"

"We're on a mission to find Dregan's castle," Kevin replied.

Terrin's eyes widened. "That's a dangerous mission, my friends. No one who's gone there has ever returned."

"We know," I said, my voice confident. "But we have to do this. Dregan is a threat to our kingdom."

Salina crossed her arms. "What about you, Terrin? What's your mission?"

Terrin took a deep breath. "I come from a far-off kingdom, and I'm on a mission to defeat Lord Dregan. My kingdom is one of the many he's terrorized. But now that I'm here, I'll help you on your mission."

I was surprised by Terrin's offer. "Are you sure about this? It's dangerous, and we don't want to put you in danger."

Terrin smiled. "I'm sure. Together, we're stronger."

I smiled back at him, feeling grateful for his willingness to help. The way he had fought those zombies had been impressive, and he had proven himself to be both strong and smart. I couldn't help but feel a sense of attraction to him, and my mind couldn't stop wandering to what his body looked like beneath that armor suit.

What the heck was I thinking? I scolded myself internally, trying to shake the thoughts from my mind. I couldn't afford to let myself be distracted, not in a medieval time period full of monsters and barbaric people. But still, I couldn't help but steal glances at Terrin as he sat across from me.

But despite their words, my mind kept drifting back to Terrin. I couldn't deny the attraction I felt towards him, but I knew I had to stay focused if we were going to survive in this dangerous world.

Kevin smiled. “Excellent. We can always use some help. Maybe you can give us knowledge about this land more than what our king told us.”

“I will explain what I know,” said Terrin.

Oh god, he is so totally hot! I thought.

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