Book Four: Chapter 17

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In the dark light of the castle, Lord Dregan stood in front of us. When he said the words that made my skin tingle, my heart sank.

“Do you honestly believe the book will bring you back to the future?” he asked, his voice cold and menacing.

My eyes widened in shock. " do you know?" I stammered.

Dregan smiled slyly. "I have my ways. Let's just say that I've had a glimpse of the future."

At his words, a chill went down my spine. He was aware of our time travel, which implied that he was also aware of our goal.

The next thing he said, however, made my blood turn cold.

“I've also met my future-me double,” he added. “He attempted to take my place so he could alter the future on his own. But I dismembered his body, limp from limp, and buried him in a coffin lined with silver. Instead of him, I will be the one to alter my destiny.” 

His words rushed through my mind as he spoke. Has he killed his future self totally? He now intended to rule the world by himself.

I noticed the same surprise and dread reflected on Salina and Kevin's features as I turned to face them. We were in deep trouble.

Lord Dregan remarked, his voice chilling me, "I won't let any of you escape alive. During the red full moon, I'll use the Shadow Book to turn my werewolves into an unstoppable force. Afterward, I'll rule the entire world”

The werewolves laughed, making me queasy. The idea of the world being ruled by Lord Dregan was horrifying. But I was certain that we had to stop him.

Kevin spoke up. "You can't change your destiny, Dregan. It's already written. Killing us won't change anything."

Kevin's bravery amazed me. Naturally, he was correct. Lord Dregan was powerless to alter our course.

Lord Dregan laughed. "We'll see about that."

I caught Salina's eye, and we both knew what must be done. We had to fight. We could not allow Lord Dregan access to the book.

"Then we'll have to stop you," Salina said, her voice firm.

Lord Dregan laughed. "You four against my army of werewolves? You're hardly a match for me."
"We'll see about that," Terrin said, a determined look in his eyes.

I closed my eyes and concentrated on the werewolf within. My senses heightened as I felt the electricity moving through my body. I observed my hands gradually morphing into white, hairy paws as soon as I opened my eyes. I felt stronger and taller when I stood up once the transition was over.

My fur's brilliant white color stood out dramatically against the dark surroundings. My eyes were glowing brilliant yellow, and my ears were suddenly pointed. I extended my powerful claws and felt their strength. As a white humanoid werewolf, I was now prepared to meet any perils that might come my way.

My body felt lighter and more agile as I moved, and my movements were graceful. I could sense the energy of the throne chamber, and it gave me a sense of direction. I was ready to fight Lord Dregan and his minions, and nothing was going to stop me. I let out a fierce howl, signaling my readiness to face whatever came my way.

Kevin, Salina, and Terrin fought alongside me, but it wasn't easy. Lord Dregan was a skilled fighter, and his werewolves were powerful and fast.

I leaped towards one of the werewolves, my claws tearing through its armor as I sank my teeth into its neck. The creature howled in pain as I took it down, but more werewolves took its place.

Lord Dregan was just as skilled as he was ruthless, and he was determined not to let us leave the throne chamber alive. He struck at me with his sword, but I managed to dodge the attack and slashed at him with my claws.

I could feel the tiredness coming on as the battle continued. I nevertheless wouldn't give up. Not when obtaining the Shadow Book was so close at hand.

"Quick, grab the Shadow Book!" Kevin shouted, interrupting Lord Dregan's laughter.

Without thinking, Salina unleashed a spell that resulted in a blinding burst of light that rendered Lord Dregan and his werewolves helpless. After she grabbed the book, we raced downstairs, where we discovered a stable chamber, taking advantage of the commotion. Horses were waiting for us inside.

"Let's go!" As I mounted my horse, I encouraged. We rode as quickly as we could out of the castle as Kevin, Salina, and Terrin followed behind.

Although Lord Dregan's irate voice could be heard echoing behind us, we continued on. He needed to be as far away from us as we could make it. I could feel my heart racing in my chest as we were driving. I could still feel the dread of what we had just endured, but we couldn't let our guard down just yet. The threat was still quite present.
An orange glow radiated from the landscape as the sun rose over the horizon. In the distance, we could make out the walls of the Alnor Kingdom, and I experienced a wave of relief and tiredness. We had made it to our objective after a protracted and perilous trek.

I could see the guards keeping watch as we got closer to the walls, looking out for any potential dangers. Kevin was clearly eager to open the Shadow Book and begin unlocking its mysteries as he gripped it securely in his arms.

Salina and Terrin were riding alongside me, and we all felt a sense of accomplishment as we drew closer to the kingdom. We had faced countless dangers and fought against some of the most terrifying creatures imaginable, but we had come out victorious.

Our horses' hooves clattered on the cobblestones as we galloped through the streets from the gate until we arrived at Alnor Castle. When we displayed the Shadow Book to the guards at the entry, they no longer regarded us with suspicion and let us through.

As we entered the throne chamber, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the grandeur of the place. The walls were adorned with intricate tapestries, and the floor was polished marble that gleamed under the light of the torches.

I couldn't help but be in awe of the throne room's magnificence as soon as we walked in. The floor was polished marble that glittered in the light from the torches, and the walls were decorated with exquisite tapestries. We seemed to have just gone yesterday.

The knights led us to King Norton's throne, where he was seated. He turned to face us and gave us a grateful expression.

He shouted, "Welcome back, my brave adventurers," and the enormous room echoed his words. "I see that your search has been successful."

"Yes, Your Majesty," Kevin replied, stepping forward. "We have retrieved the Shadow Book."
The king nodded, and a smile formed on his face. "I knew I could count on you. You have done a great service to the kingdom."

I felt a sense of pride and relief wash over me. It was good to know that we had done something important, something that would help the people of Alnor Kingdom.

The king motioned for us to come closer. "You have my gratitude, and I will make sure that your bravery is rewarded. But for now, please accept my thanks."

We all bowed respectfully and stepped back.

I inhaled deeply and turned to face King Norton. “We have reason to suspect that Lord Dregan will attempt to reclaim the Shadow Book, Your Highness. To achieve it, he might even launch another attack on the kingdom.”

King Norton nodded while maintaining a somber face. "I see. What do you suggest we do, then?
Kevin and Salina looked at me, waiting for my answer. I knew we couldn’t return home yet. If we do, Lord Dregan could conquer Alnor and change our future. We couldn’t afford that risk.
"We could try to help defend the kingdom, Your Highness," I finally said. "But we understand if you don't want to involve us any further. We've already done what we came here to do, and we could go back home."

The king looked thoughtful for a moment before he spoke. "No, I think you're right. We should take precautions in case Lord Dregan does attack. And your help would be greatly appreciated."
I nodded, feeling a sense of responsibility wash over me. "We'll do our best to protect the kingdom," I said.

Kevin and Salina both nodded in agreement, and Terrin looked determined as well. We were all in this together, and we would do whatever it took to protect the people of Alnor Kingdom.

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