Book Three: Chapter 14

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I sat on the doorstep in front of my house, watching the half-moon fade away within the passing dark clouds. I wore a pink sweatshirt, pink sweat pants, and sandals without anything beneath my outfit. Although the air chilled outside, I didn't mind at all. I only cared about not ruining my clothes in case I had to transform. I loved my fabulous clothing and my father would get furious if I lose more dresses. Fashion was very important to popular girls.

A red Volkswagen car drove down the street from the right and stopped in front of me. The window rolled down, revealing Kevin with his hands on the steering wheel. “Ready?”

I blinked my eyes at the car. “This is your car?”

“My dad’s. He is loaning it to me for one night.”

“Oh.” I didn’t know Kevin could drive. Of course, he was old enough to drive one car. I totally didn’t think he owned a vehicle.

“Come on, Salina is in the back,” Kevin informed. “We gotta move before the mummy finds another victim.”

“Geez, hold your horses.” I sprinted to the other side and got in through the other door.

“Hey Barbie girl,” said Salina’s voice, “going to a slumber party?”

I glared at the witch, sitting behind my seat. Salina wore a leather jacket with black spandex pants on. She looked like a biker from a Kiss album.

“What about you?” I asked. “You totally look like you’re heading to a Kiss band.”

Salina glared like a cat, ready to pounce her prey. “Sometimes I enjoy looking hardcore. Are you naked under there?”

My face turned red. “Hey! How did you know that?”

Salina laughed. “Bwahahahahaha! I’m a witch, dummy. I know girls like you wouldn’t want to rip their clothes during their transformation. But please don’t get me wrong. I think you look cute with that on.”

I widened my eyes. “Cute?”

“Okay, that’s enough you two!” Kevin pulled the gear shift down and drove his dad’s car forward. “Salina, show us your item.”

She zipped down her jacket and pulled out a cross, wrapped in brown cloth with a blue stone in the center. 

I beamed my eyes at the ornament. “That’s it?”

Salina zipped up her jacket. “If you don’t like it, you can kill me.”

“But-but-but-That took you a week to make?”


I placed my hand on my face. “A child in freaking kindergarten could craft that thing in one hour!”

“You think making this stupid thing is easy?” Salina shook the cross above her. “I needed a piece from the creature to make it work, dummy. Without it, the thing wouldn’t work. Don’t underestimate magic.”

“Well, at least you should have told us what you needed! You almost gave me a heart attack!”

Salina shrugged. “Then look at the bright side. If the mummy didn’t kill those men at Burger Queen, you wouldn’t found its cloth.”

I dropped my mouth. “How dare you!"

“I’m only speaking the truth.”

I pointed my shaking finger at her face. “Brandy was a good cashier and fry cook! He didn’t deserve to die!”

Salina held up her hands. "Chill out. Geeeeeeez. I was just kidding."

Errrrrrrrrrrrr! My inner wolf was dying to eat her!

"Can we please change the subject?" Kevin demanded. “We may be teenagers, but we can act like adults. Salina, can you track the mummy now?”

The witch closed her eyes and rubbed the tip of her finger on the stone. “Hocus pocus, focus locus, bluh bluh bluh!”

I pursed my lips hard. “What the hell were you saying?”

Salina hissed. “I’m just warming up. Throw me a bone."

I could totally break her bones if she frustrates me more!

She sighed and rubbed the stone on the cross. “Carissimi potestatem in terra, secundum haec pars dereliquimus Dominum invenient mihi habeo?”

I turned to Kevin. “What is she saying?”

“She is speaking in Latin,” Kevin whispered. “She memorized it from her spellbook."

“So if anyone speaks it, will they become witches too?”

“Only girls can use those spells, but it takes practice and patience. I tried to say some of the words and they didn't work. Salina said I was being a dummy. Hehehe."

I spat out a chuckle. "She's totally rude."

"I don't accept her unusual behavior either, but she is still a good witch."

Yeah right. I looked back at Salina.

A chill creeped up through me when Salina’s eyes turned black and her black hair rose like tentacles. The strings of her hair touched the car ceiling and waved around.

I gulped. "Uuuuuuh, Salina? Are you okay?"

She responded with a soft moan, like she was having a stomach arch. Little drool dripped from her lips.


"Quiet!" Kevin stopped in front of a red traffic light. "She is using her magic craft."

Salina blinked her eyes as they returned to normal, and her hair dropped to her shoulders. "I know where toilet paper man is."

"Where?" Kevin asked.

Salina stared at the cross. "At the Moondale National History Museum."

I scratched my head. "Why the total hell is he back there?"

"Maybe he dropped his wallet," Salina suggested.

"Mummies have no wallets!"

"I was being funny, dummy. Do you not understand jokes?"

I growled.

"Whatever the reason, we can catch him there." Kevin drove forward.

I nodded. "Okay, and no more jokes."

Salina crossed her arms. "Party pooper."

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