Book Three: Chapter 9

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I saw Kevin climb up the ladder, reaching the top of the bookshelf. The sweat on his face showed me he wasn't enjoying the climbing. I totally bet if he falls, his dad will sue the downtown library.

After he grabbed the book, Kevin slowly climbed down the ladder. It creaked until his feet touched the floor.

Geez, the library totally needed new ladders.

I followed him to the reading table. He sat down and opened the book.

With a grin, I peeked over his shoulder, keeping my breath silent. Man, he has no idea I stood behind him.

Quiet as a wolf.

It was a chemistry book he read. I knew he enjoyed science, but he wished his school had a supernatural research class. No wonder he wanted to become a supernatural teacher and start his own class.

He told me he tried asking the principal to set up the class, but nobody took the supernatural seriously. Most people don't believe in ghosts, monsters, and aliens. Those who believed in the paranormal were never taken seriously by the public. Why? Too many bogus reality shows lying to people, and celebrities making up stories I guessed.

If Kevin could make the people believe the unknown that haunted the Earth for millions of years, he could save many lives from being lost. He will find a way after he completes his education.

Okay, time to reveal myself. "Hey!"

Kevin jumped as he dropped the book "Whoa!"

He caught his glasses before they hit the table. He sighed as he placed them back on.

I covered my mouth. "Sorry! Are you-"

He glared at me with his finger on his lips. "Ssssssssh! You scared my butt off."

"Sorry! Sorry! I didn't mean to totally surprise you. I'm just totally good at being sneaky now."

"I can see that." Kevin sat back at the table, panting under his breath. "So what's up?"

I sat on the other side in front of him. "Did you hear about the break-in at the museum last night?"

"I heard the other kids gossiping about it at school."

"I was there. I checked the whole place while my father investigated."

Kevin turned a page in his book. "What did you find?"

I leaned closer toward him. "I found the black sarcophagus open on the floor, next to a dead security guard. Isn’t that totally freaky?”

Kevin lowered his book. “Go on.”

“Yeah, the guard was like totally aged to death. His skin was all brown and wrinkly like beef jerky. And the smell! Oh god! The sarcophagus!”

Kevin held up his finger to his lips. “Sssssh! All ancient tombs smell bad.”

“No, it’s like….. Something dreadful happened inside. After I caught the scent, I followed it toward a broken window. That is when I totally realized something came out of that sarcophagus and killed the guard. Then it escaped through the window.”

Kevin wiggled his glasses. “Did you followed the scent further?”

I shook my head. “No, I lost track of it downtown. It’s probably running around in town. Can you guess what it totally is?”

Kevin closed his book. “Quite obviously, it must be the mummy."

“The mummy? The one called Nex?”

“Mummies coming to life is an Egyptian legend, and they are very popular in movies. They kill people by choking them to death or sucking their life away.”

“How does a mummy totally  come to life?” 

“There has to be a magical relic that can bring the dead to life, or a curse inside the tomb. A spell could also resurrect the mummy if he placed it on himself before death.”

I drummed my fingers on the table. “How do we kill the mummy?”

“We can’t. Mummies are immortal, but they can still be stopped.”

I bit my lip. “How?”

“By performing an ancient Egyptian ritual, or finding the source that brought it to life. We destroy the source, and the mummy dies.”

I shrugged. “I guess we should totally break into the museum and find whatever resurrected the mummy.”

“Finding the source will be hard. We need to find the mummy first and take a piece off its body.”

“What piece?”

“Any part of its body.”

I stuck out my tongue. “Gross! I am not totally taking its genitals!”

Kevin laughed. “A piece of its bandage is fine. I will talk to Salina about the mummy so she will join us. In the meantime, I need to study for my next assignment.”

I facepalmed with a soft growl. “Ah crap! I totally forgot about that.”

“You’re taking the same exam?”

I rubbed behind my head and smiled. “Yeah.”

Kevin smiled. “You can study with me if you like.”

“Sure!” Hunting a monster was one thing, but my school grades still needed to come first.

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