Book Three: Chapter 20

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The mummy werejackal jumped onto the stone table and roared at the ceiling like an angry hound. His violent roar tremored through my bones. How totally terrifying, but I won’t fear him for long.

"You set up the pentagram while I distract him," I whispered to Salina and Kevin.

Kevin padded my shoulder. "We'll work fast."

"Hell yeah," Salina added in a low tone.

I nodded and handed the dagger to Salina. It still glowed, meaning Nathifa’s soul was still inside. Maybe Salina could release the princess's poor soul after we deal with the mummy.

I sprinted toward the corner and waved my arms at the undead beast. "Hey! You want me? Come and get me!"

The mummy werejackal turned toward me and marched as he snarled. If he stays focused on me, my friends could finish the symbol without total delay.

I removed my shoes and morphed myself.  White fur grew everywhere while my muscles expanded and my head stretched into a wolf head. My cheerleading uniform remained on me although parts of the fabric ripped a bit. At least I didn't go naked in front of my friends.

After my white bushy tail grew out, I howled at the ceiling, standing half as tall as the mummy. He still rose bigger than me, but no fear of thought chilled my body. Werewolves don't fear anything. 

The mummy werejackal held out his large arms and roared. Like me, he probably couldn't speak, and murder was totally on his mind. 

I did the same thing, holding out my arms and roared, signaling our monster battle.

Nex lowered his arms and charged. He threw his large fist, but I jumped back and kicked his narrow face.

My kick only pushed him back while he stayed on his long feet. He must be totally as strong as me in his beast form.

I landed and leaped toward the mummy werejackal. 

He stretched out a bandage from his arm and whipped it toward me.


His bandage smacked my snort, knocking me to the floor. Damn! It whacked me like a metal measuring tape!

He must have used magic to make his bandages hard. Well then, I was ready to give him back the pain.

I jumped back on my feet and charged on all fours. Nex whipped two wraps toward me from his arms.

This time, I grabbed both wraps and yanked them, pulling the mummy werejackal toward me. He flew toward me and-whack!

My head slammed into his chest, knocking out his cold dead breath. When his back landed on the ground, I landed on top of him.

I slashed his chest, scraping through his raw flesh as if it was paper. He roared in pain and grabbed both my arms. 

He stretched my arms out as he raised his upper body up. Then he rolled back, tossing me through the air. 

I crashed against the stone table, rocking it which frightened Kevin and Salina. But they continued drawing the pentagram with blood.

I rose, feeling my head swirling. It took me a few moments to realize long bandages were wrapped around me. Then the bandage lifted me off the floor.

Nex used his bandages like they were freaking tentacles. He chuckled and slammed me into the stone wall. My entire body rocked in pain.

He swung his bandages, slamming me into the other wall. And the next one, and the next one.

Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!

I blacked out although I stayed conscious. 

The mummy werejackal slammed me to the floor and released me. His bandages returned to his body.

I laid still with my eyes closed, pretending to be down for the count. If Nex approaches me, I will have the chance to surprise him.

"Jessica! It's ready!" Kevin shouted.

I popped my yellow eyes open. Now? 

The mummy werejackal turned toward Kevin and Salina. Oh no! I have to strike him now before he notices the trap!

I pounced onto the mummy's back and wrapped my arms around his neck. I squeezed his throat, hoping that would put him out. However, he charged backwards and slammed me against the wall.

My lungs exploded as my back cracked. He slammed me again until he dashed forward and swung me over his head. 

My back hit the floor. The agony burned through my muscles like wildfire. That jerk can keep hurting me, but I will always get back up. Thank god I wasn't human.

While my body recovered, the mummy werejackal pulled the shiver shackles off the stone table. He pulled me up on my knees and wrapped the chain around my throat. 

I moaned, feeling the shiver roast my throat. I couldn't pull it without melting my fingers off. If my head falls off, will that be like the total end of me?

"Jessica!" Kevin aimed his crossbow and fired.

His arrow struck the mummy's forehead. Nex  screamed and released me.

After I caught my breath, I growled at the monster. Time to end this!

I got up and approached the mummy werejackal while he rolled on the ground, trying to pull the arrow out from his skull. An arrow through the head would definitely kill a person. But not that undead beast man.

"Put him on the seal!" Salina shouted.

I nodded and lifted up the mummy werejackal. Damn, he was heavy like a freaking car! At least I could still lift him up.

I carried him toward the table and spotted the Egyptian pentagram on the other side. Then I tossed him over the table to the pentagram. His butt landed on it, but-


He rose and growled at me. Although he stood on the pentagram, nothing happened! Did Salina screw up or something? If so, then we were totally screwed!

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