Book Four: Chapter 6

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The green plain landscape stretched out endlessly before us, with rolling hills and lush, verdant grasses swaying gently in the breeze. Wildflowers bloomed in clusters, adding pops of vibrant color to the otherwise green expanse. The air was fresh and clean, with a hint of earthiness and a touch of warmth from the sun overhead. The sky was a brilliant blue, without a single cloud to mar its perfect hue. It was a peaceful and serene scene, but our circumstances made it impossible for us to appreciate its beauty.

As we followed the knights, I felt the rough ropes around my wrists biting into my skin. Salina and Kevin walked beside me, also bound and captive. I couldn't understand why the knights called me a beast, and I wondered if the villagers had sent them to capture us.

We walked over a hill and saw a road ahead. Eventually, we arrived at a tall stone wall with a gate. The gate opened for us, and we entered a village full of people who stared at us with wide eyes.

As we walked into the village behind the walls, I noticed how different it was from the one we had just left. The houses were made of stone and looked much sturdier, with thatched roofs and wooden shutters. People peered out from behind windows and doors, staring at us as we were marched through the streets. I could see that the villagers were dressed in simpler clothing, with some of them wearing rough-spun tunics and trousers. The marketplace was filled with vendors selling goods and people were bargaining with them.

As we passed through the village, I could see that there was a sense of order and discipline among the people. The streets were clean and organized, and everyone seemed to know their place in society. The villagers looked up at us with curiosity and fear, whispering to each other as we passed. I wondered what they thought of us and why they were so afraid.

Across the village stood a tall castle, looming over us with its grandeur. The castle was tall and imposing, with a gray stone facade that had clearly withstood the test of time. Its walls were thick and sturdy, with arrow slits and turrets that jutted out from the corners. The castle's main gate was made of heavy wood and reinforced with metal bars, suggesting that it was built to withstand sieges and attacks.

As we approached the castle, I could see that the gates were open and the courtyard beyond was bustling with activity. I could see knights training with swords and shields, stable hands tending to horses, and servants carrying baskets of fruit and vegetables.

The castle's main keep rose high above the courtyard, with several levels of windows that overlooked the village and the surrounding countryside. I imagined that the view from the uppermost chambers must be breathtaking. Despite the grandeur of the castle, I felt uneasy as the knights escorted us inside. I wondered what kind of fate awaited us within its walls.

The knights stopped and they dismounted their horses. The knight leader pulled the rope, forcing us to follow them into the throne chamber.

My heart sank as I gazed upon the grandeur of the place. The chamber was vast, with high ceilings and ornate decorations adorning every wall. The air was thick with the scent of incense, and I felt a shiver run down my spine as the knights stopped in front of the king's throne.

The king sat atop his throne, his expression unreadable. He was a tall, broad-shouldered man with a crown on his head and a long beard that flowed down to his chest. His eyes darted from me to Salina to Kevin, as if assessing our worth.

The knight leader bowed before the king, and the rest of the knights followed suit. I swallowed hard, feeling like a fish out of water in this grand chamber.

"Who have you brought before me?" the king asked, his voice deep and commanding.

The knight leader stood up on one knee and spoke. "My lord, these young ones are monsters! They attacked a village."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "We didn't attack the village!" I protested, but the king silenced me with a stern look.

The knight continued, "One of the villagers witnessed the blonde one transforming into a beast! And the black-haired one is a witch! She summoned a vortex to swallow a man!"

Salina spoke up, defending herself. "He was a bandit, dumbass."

But before she could say anything more, one of the knights smacked her and called her a witch. My blood boiled with anger, but I knew better than to say anything.

The king turned his gaze towards Kevin. "What about the boy?"

"I'm human!" Kevin protested.

The knight leader grabbed his bag and pulled out the Shadow Book. “Look! He was carrying this! He might be a witch too!”

The king widened his eyes at the book. “The Shadow Book?”

“You know the spell book?” I asked.

The king glared at me. “I know whoever reads it shall become powerful. And no one should lay their hands on it. Take them to the dungeon and lock them up! I will decide their fate later!”
I couldn't believe what was happening. We were being accused of crimes we didn't commit, and there was no way for us to prove our innocence.

As the knights escorted us out of the chamber, I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach. We were being thrown into a dungeon without a trial, without a chance to defend ourselves. What was going to happen to us?

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