Book Two: Chapter 18

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Someone knocked, drawing Betty's and my eyes toward the door.


My heart dropped, sending coldness through my veins. That was Kevin's voice! Kevin was outside the door!

"Is anyone in there?" he asked and knocked again. "I swore I heard voices, and the door is locked."

Betty placed her hand on my mouth. "Scream and you are both dead."

I gulped.

This could be my only chance to warn Kevin so he could help me somehow. But how could I call him without Betty killing me? I had to push her off guard before she could react.

"I'm in here!" Betty shouted. "Go away-"

I stomped on her foot and threw a punch into her gut. She gasped as she stepped back, rubbing her stomach.

While her hand was off my throat, I grabbed her arms, spun her around, and tossed her through the glass window. She screamed through the shattering glass, yelling, "I'll get you bitch!"

I glanced through the window cautiously. Her body vanished in the darkness below.

She will recover, but I should have enough time to warn everyone.

The door pounded as I ran toward it. I opened, facing Kevin and Salina who looked startled.

"What happened?" Kevin asked. "We heard screaming in there."

I sucked in my breath. "Guys, we gotta warn the party!"

Salina crossed her arms. "Why? I haven't even-"

"This is totally serious!"

Kevin held up his hands. "Calm down, Jessica. What is it?"

"Betty is a werewolf!" I explained, panting through my breath. "She has a pack outside, preparing to attack! They are totally going to eat everyone here!"

"Including you?" Salina asked.

I glared at her.

"Okay, we better warn everyone now," said Kevin. "Nobody will survive if they don't-"

We fell quiet when a loud howl cried outside the broken window. More howls followed the loudest one like a fox hunting horn.

A shiver ran down my spine. It has begun!

"Come on!" I sprinted through the hallway, forgetting about my shoes. If I had to transform, then my wolf feet wouldn't tear apart my shoes.

From the stairway, we reached the ballroom and looked around. The guests still danced and drank their fifth beneath the warm air. It felt totally weird to see everyone happy when death was coming to them.

I approached the boom box on the table and switched the loud rock music off. The crowd paused and drew their glances toward me.

"Listen everyone!" I shouted. "This is an extreme emergency!"

"What? Are we outta beer already?" A guy shouted.

"No! This might sound crazy, but there are werewolves coming to the party!"

"Cool!" a girl shouted.

"Are they hot furry chicks?" a fat kid in mummy bandages asked.

I growled quietly under my lips. "No! They are real werewolves! And they are totally coming to eat you!"

The crowd laughed.

"Is this part of the event?" another girl asked.

"I never thought of that!" Brian raised his cup up. "Good one, Jessica!"

I stared at Kevin and Salina for signs of improvement. But they only shrugged their shoulders.

Damnit! I knew nobody would believe me. All of them were too drunk to care. "I'm totally serious! You have to trust me!"

Tiffany pointed her cup at me. "Jessica, if this is a joke, it's totally not funny. Stop making yourself look-"

The window behind me shattered and a large shadow leaped over me. It landed in the middle of the dance floor, raising up on its hind legs.

The crowd sprung back, leaving a wide space around the creature.

It was a male with a wolf-shaped head, covered in black smooth fur. Long white hair hung behind his leather brown jacket, and he wore short ripped gray jeans.

From the crowd, Rory approached the werewolf. He padded the wolf's board chest and giggled. "Cool costume, bro!"

The wolf man raised his long mouth corners up, forming a terrifying grin. He opened his huge mouth and chomped Rory's head off.

Blood sprayed from the headless neck stump before the fat body fell to the floor. His body twitched, leaking blood across the floor until it stopped moving.

That was when all hell broke loose. 

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