Book One: Chapter 11

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Oh, thank god the school bell rang. This strange day can finally be over so I can rest on my bed.


I walked out of the science class and hurried down the hallway. Too bad I wasn't the only one escaping from the boring classes.

Everyone swarmed around me, talking loud and hustling like a stampede. Yeah, I was used to crowds, never once I got ochlophobia in my whole life. And yet, their voices sounded very close to me.

I covered my ears, but the voices still echoed through my hands.

"Want to go to Taco Palace later?"

"My mom will kill me if I stay out late."

"I heard Tilly had a crush on Bennett. When will he freaking notice her?"

"Do you think Nate and Jim are gay?"

"Who cares! Everyone should be happy."

"If I don't get my driver's license soon, I am going to steal my mother's car!"

Urrrrrh! I pressed harder as I gritted my teeth. "Stop..... Please stop....."

They grew louder and louder, all echoing through my head. "Stop!"

"Hey, Jessica!"

I swung around as Tiffany and Malaya approached me.

"Wait up!" Malaya shouted.

I rubbed my forehead. The voices faded away, thank god. "Whhhhhhat's up?"

"We heard how fast you ran in P. E," said Tiffany. "That is totally awesome!"

"Oh, it was nothing," I said, "I always run fast."

"But Chelsea said you were running like a dog," said Malaya. "How did you learn that?"

"To be honest, I totally have no clue. I ran, and suddenly-I ran fast."

"Must be your basic instinct," said Tiffany. "I heard girls run quickly when they feel like they are in danger. It is a primitive trait from our caveman ancestors."

"You mean cavegirl ancestors?" I laughed with my friends. "Cool!"

If I was a cavegirl, I would be the alpha because I was taller and stronger. No offense to Tiffany, but a T-Rex would eat her up.

"You dork face!" a voice screamed down the hallway.

Oh my god!

Near the blue lockers, Randy grabbed Kevin's shoulders and slammed him against one of the lockers. Ouch! That could have broken the nerd's back. After all, Randy was totally stronger than him.

Yeah, Randy the big fat bald-headed kid who thought he was all tough and mighty at school. For some reason, he has an irritable temper tantrum as if he has a mental disorder. Why the school never sent him to the asylum was a mystery to me.

"You are supposed to give me my homework before class!" Randy shouted. "My teacher gave me an F!"

"I'm sorry!" Kevin cried. "I had to turn in something first and I forgot!"

Randy rose his fist toward Kevin's face. "This will make you never forget again!"

Okay, this has gone far enough.

Maybe I didn't totally care about Kevin so much, but I needed him to fill out my homework. And don't say I was being bad as Randy. At least I was being nicer to Kevin.

With a glare, I marched straight toward the bully. "Hey! Leave him alone!"

Randy shot daggers at me."Bug out, girly. This is just between me and him."

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