Book One: Chapter 16

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"Midnight Records?" I stood outside the glass door, staring at the sign above the entrance. "Are you totally kidding me?"

The music shop wasn't some mythical mojo place that could cure my werewolf problem. I knew it for selling old school records since the fifties when they were popular. Of course, they sold modern music, but their oldies were their babies.

I have only been inside the store once to buy a birthday present for Tiffany. She enjoyed collecting records, although she listened to most of her music on her iPhone. Some rich people totally have strange hobbies.

"I know someone here who can help you," Kevin explained. "She is a witch from Portland, Oregon."

My mouth dropped. "A witch?"

"An actual witch. Not the ones who perform fake magic tricks. She is legit."

I never believed in witches throughout my life. Daddy said they were pagan cultists who think they could speak to nature and curse people. I wasn't sure if he was joking or he read too many horror books about them. But I learned Moondale has a dark history about a witch family burned at the stake. Before they died, their father cursed the settlers, stating many bad things will happen to the townspeople for eternity. And many spooky rumors and strange disappearances happened since the witch trial.

Was there totally a curse?


I doubt that but surviving from a werewolf attack sort of changed my mind.

Anyway, why would a witch be living in a town with grim histories of her kind? It would totally be like a Jew moving to a former Nazi town. Thank you history class for teaching me about the holocaust in world war 2.

Geez, but what was wrong with the witch? Had she read about the history of Moondale yet?

"Alright, let's meet her," I said.

Kevin pushed the glass door open, letting me walk into the shop first. Cool air and the soft breeze of decaying cardboard greeted me. Not too bad. It smelled similar to the public library.

The shop was small, with shelves in rows across the smooth wooden floor. The ceiling and walls were painted blue with golden stars, sprinkling the total atmosphere. A totally excellent touch to mix the store's title. All the records stood on the shelves under each music genre label. The CDs were on the far left and right, old and new. Most of them were worthless to me. I listened to my pop music, either on my phone or computer.

Geez, the records were totally outdated.

Toward the back, we approached the cashier counter where a girl sat with her bare feet on the table. If I could give her a name, it would be the Princess of Darkness. Seriously, she looked like a rockstar who took a dip into white paint!

Her skin was totally white. Not pale. White!

Other than being white, she has long black, dark eyeliners, black nails, black lips, black..... Everything else!

Well, except for her dark gray raggy jeans with holes on her knees. The sleeveless shirt she wore was black with a big red pentagram on her chest. If my grandma saw that shirt, she would think the girl was a Satanist. I meant that. She was a hardcore Christian.

While leaning back with her white dirty feet up, she blew a pink bubble gum from her mouth as her catty eyes gazed at a rock music magazine in her hands. And she freaking smelled like pumpkin spice at a Thanksgiving party, or a Halloween party to fit her image.

"Hi, Salina!" Kevin waved with a grin.

The goth girl lowered her magazine, glancing at Kevin with a blank stare. I could see dark circles around her eyes as if she hadn't slept in weeks.

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