Book Four: Chapter 3

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When I got home, my dad was in the living room watching TV. "Hey, sweetie," he said when he saw me. "How was the rally?"

"It was great!" I said, trying to sound casual. "Hey, dad, can I go out with Kevin and Salina tonight? We're just going to grab some food."

"Sure, honey," my dad said with a shrug. "Just be back by ten, okay?"

I kissed his cheek and ran up to my room, feeling relieved and excited. I took a quick shower and changed into my pink sweatshirt and running pants, knowing I might need to transform later. I slipped on my sandals and grabbed my backpack, making sure I had everything I needed for our adventure.

As I ran down the stairs, I felt a rush of adrenaline. This was going to be amazing. "Bye, dad!" I called out as I ran out the door.
As we drove towards the lake docks near the industrial district, the glow of the streetlights illuminated the factories and warehouses around us. The buildings were old and worn, with broken windows and rusty metal gates. The air smelled of damp concrete and exhaust fumes.

Kevin parked his car and got out, followed by Salina and me. We all huddled close, the chilly air nipping at our noses. Kevin wore a brown trench coat like he was some sort of detective, and Salina had on a black leather jacket with rugged gray jeans, as if she wanted to look badass. I just wore my usual pink sweatshirt and running pants, feeling a little out of place among their dark and edgy outfits.

I asked Kevin if he brought any weapons, to which he replied he brought some and took out a backpack from the back of the car. He opens the bag and shows me he has silver stakes, a flashlight, and a medical kit. It may not look like much, but it was better than nothing.

As we made our way towards the boat, I couldn't shake off the eerie feeling of the buildings looming over us. Salina must have felt it too, as she clutched my arm tightly.

"Is it safe here, Kevin?" I asked nervously.

"Don't worry. This place is deserted at night. No one will bother us," Kevin reassured us.

We hopped into the boat and started making our way towards the island at the center of the lake. The water was still and quiet, the only sound being the hum of the boat's motor. The lights from the industrial district faded away behind us as we made our way into the darkness.

"What do you think we'll find on the island?" Salina asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I don't know, but I have a feeling it's not going to be good," I replied, feeling a knot forming in my stomach.

We reached the island in the middle of the lake, and the eerie silence surrounded us. The trees were tall and dense, casting deep shadows that danced in the faint moonlight. The ground was rocky, and the grass was overgrown, as if nobody had set foot on the island in years.

"This place gives me the creeps," Salina said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I like that."

"I don't blame you," Kevin replied, scanning the surroundings with his flashlight. "You always liked creepy places."

I shivered. "Let's focus on walking to the castle instead of talking about creepy stuff."

We walked in silence, searching for any sign of the hidden passage. Suddenly, I heard a low growl. I turned my head and saw a pair of glowing yellow eyes in the darkness.

"Guys, we're not alone," I whispered.

Kevin aimed his flashlight at the source of the growling and revealed a pack of wild dogs, their eyes glinting menacingly. Salina stepped forward and raised her hand.

"Relax, pups. We come in peace," she said in a calming tone.

To our surprise, the dogs stopped growling and wagged their tails. One of them approached Salina, and she petted its head.

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