Book Three: Chapter 5

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"Welcome to my dojo.” Mrs. Yang (our new teacher) walked back and forth in the center. “You are here to learn self-defense. Not for sports, not for women, and not for money. Kung-fu is a sacred fighting art form my ancestors practiced in China. My grandfather was a Shaolin monk who trained my father before my father trained me. I am here to share my teachings with you so you can kill your enemies before they kill you.”

That totally sounds hardcore!

“Today I will give a taste of my own teachings.” Mrs. Yang stopped and faced the students and me. “Then you will learn my advanced techniques. I will expect no laziness, no eating, and no-”

I sneezed, which drew our substitute teacher’s attention.

“You!” She shot her finger at me. “Stand up!” 

“Okay.” I rubbed her nose and got up onto my bare feet.

“Did you sneeze inside my dojo?”

“What?” I brushed the dust off my white martial art uniform.

“Did you sneeze in my- doooojoooo?” 

My spine turned cold. “Yeeeee-yes.”

The middle-aged Asian woman grimaced with a sharp glare in her dark eyes.“Are you sick?”

“No, I just-”

“Step forward!” She wiggled her finger. “Now!”

Without a choice, I approached our instructor.

She crossed her arms. “Sneezing is not allowed in my dojo. You leave germs on my mat.”

“But I totally couldn’t help it,” I said and sniffed. “Did you forget to dust this place?”

“No excuses! You lack discipline!” Mrs.Yang spread out her legs, leaning back as she raised her palms up in front of me “Attack me.”

I blinked my eyes. “For real?”

She smiled a thin grin. “It is time to teach you a lesson. Attack or I’ll kick.”

I shrugged. “Okay.”

With my fists up, I charged toward Mrs.Yang. She blocked my punch and swung her other fist toward my face.

But I swung my head to the left, dodging Mrs.Yang’s fist. She threw another punch, then I jumped back. 

“Hmmmmmmm, impressive.” Mrs. Yang charged, throwing all her fists toward me.

I danced around our instructor’s attacks without even thinking about it. In my vision, Mrs.Yang moved slowly. So slow, I could move around her punches without taking a hit.

I heard one student giggle under his breath. That’s right! I’m kicking a teacher’s ass!

Mrs. Yang stopped while breathing hard. “How do you move like that?”

I grinned. “From our previous sensei.”

Mrs. Yang smiled. “He trained you well. Let’s see if you can defeat me!”

She back flipped and stood in her fighting position. I shrugged and charged with lightning speed.

Mrs.Yang swung a kick, and I leaped over her attack. My bare foot smacked Mrs.Yang’s face, sending her flying through the glass window.

I landed on my feet and stared at the shattered window in shock. “Oh, shit!”

The students and I rushed outside through the door. We found Mrs.Yang’s legs hanging from a broken car window as the car alarm blasted.

Luckily, she raised her right twitching leg. “Class….. dismissed…..”


After the incident, an ambulance arrived to bring Mrs. Yang immediately to the hospital. One paramedic said she has minor cuts and a broken shoulder. She should be fine after she recovers. Without her, we get to head home early.

Before I called my dad, I spotted Kevin leaving a comic bookshop on the other side of the street. Since I got some time, I joined him as we strolled downtown. I told him what happened so I could get my guilt out of my system. 

“Thank god I totally didn’t kill her,” I said.

“I’m sure Mrs.Yang is a strong woman,” said Kevin. “Based on what you told me about her.”

“I just totally couldn’t control myself. And I didn’t think a kick would knock her to kingdom come. I never done that before against Mr. Hu!”

“You’re a werewolf, Jessica. You have to stay in control with your strength.”

I blew a string of blonde hair from my face. “What can I say to my dad? He will totally drop the bomb on me if I said I kicked my teacher out through the window.”

Kevin laughed. “I think he’ll think you’re awesome.”

I glared at him.

He gulped. “Okay, say she tripped and fell through the window. Maybe you should train with someone who is stronger than you.”

“Like who? Another werewolf?”

Kevin shrugged. “How about we grab some ice cream? That should help you chill your anxiety down.”

I grimaced. “Uhhhhhh, I can’t eat ice cream.”

“Are you lactose intolerance?”

“No….. I haven’t tried any since I changed.”

Kevin smiled. “Don’t worry, I did some research. Werewolves can eat anything from an animal. Dairy products are from animals too.”

I remembered my werewolf ex-boyfriend licked ice cream when we first went out together. Perhaps ice cream won’t hurt my stomach too. “I guess I can totally try one.”

“Choose vanilla only,” Kevin suggested. “Chocolate and other flavors will make you sick.”

“I thought chocolate makes dogs sick.”

“Dogs are related to wolves.”

I smiled. “Good. Vanilla is my favorite flavor.”

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