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Harry Potter still couldn't believe the fact that he would never see the Wizarding World again. It was his home, his anchor. It was where he belonged. But now it had been taken away from him, like a toy being plucked from a child's hand.

With his wand snapped, and Hedwig returned to The Owl Emporium in Diagon Alley, he had no more communication to his friends from Hogwarts. He didn't even get to say goodbye, which pained him the most. And it wasn't even his fault that the Dementors had came after him that night. He used the Patronus charm to protect his cousin Dudley, but doing so he had breached the Statute of Secrecy. That got him expelled from Hogwarts.

It was still summer break, and Harry stayed in his musty old room as much as he could. He always thought about the good memories of the past, remembering the way Ron laughed, or the way Hermione always knew everything, or how Neville always forgot things. Then he would realize that there would be no more moments like those in the future, and he would cry his eyes out all over again.

After a while, Harry realized that the summer was coming to a close. Where was he going to go? What was he going to do? He was only 15. He had been so focused on the past, that he forgot to think about the future. He knew he couldn't stay with the Dursleys, they would remind him of his friends too much. He couldn't stay in England, it would remind him too much of the Wizarding World. Leaving the country was the best option. He could start over his life in a place where nobody knew him, a place where he wasn't the laughingstock of the town.

Harry opened his laptop, and starting researching places to live. He already knew he wanted to go to America, and he could easily afford going there with all the money he had inherited from his dead parents. As he looked through countless cities and towns throughout the United States, one place caught his bright green eyes. Lima, Ohio. It was a small, ordinary town, which seemed charming and beautiful. That was the place. The place where his new life would begin.


After a couple of days, Harry was ready to move out. He had found an apartment, booked his flights, and packed his few belongings into an old tattered suitcase he had stolen from Uncle Vernon when the Dursleys were out shopping.

His flight was tomorrow, and Harry decided to look around his room one last time before heading to bed. He was immediately drawn to the loose floorboard under his bed. Harry gingerly picked up the yellowing parchments filled with thousands of words from his friends, and tucked them into his suitcase, along with some extra books and magazines he had hidden under there. Then, a glittering object caught his eye. His invisibility cloak. The one object the Ministry of Magic didn't know he still had. He stuffed it into the suitcase as well. Maybe it would come in handy one day.

After a final scan of the area, he crawled under his covers, and fell asleep. Tomorrow he would forget about past, and start with the future.


The alarm clock blared the next morning, and Harry sat straight up in his bed, glancing at the clock.

5:00 AM

He reluctantly got out of bed, and quickly turned off the annoying alarm before Uncle Vernon woke up. Then he remembered. A smile spread on his face. Today was the day. He got out of his bed, brushing his teeth and putting on the nicest outfit he had. Taming his hair did prove a challenge though, so he left it as it was.

Before he left, Harry scribbled a note and left it on the bedside table, making sure that it was easily visible from the doorway.

Dear Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon,

Expelled (Harry Potter x Glee)Where stories live. Discover now