150128 Stalker? Admirer?

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I've been knocking Hoseok hyung's room in a several times. Why does he not want to open the door? Is he that busy? Sleeping?

"Hyung? It's me Taehyung. Please open the door, I want to ask you something." I almost kissed the door while saying those words. Lucky door. Tsk

"Taehyung-ah, I'm tired. How about you? Aren't you tired?" he answered in a loud and annoyed voice.

"Hyung!? Please, just a question, I will leave immediately." Just now I became insistent, what the heck?

"Can't it be tomorrow? Alright. If you ask too much, I will close the door immediately. Now, what is your question?" He is already in front of me, scratching his back.

"Do you remember the retro girlgroup earlier? Do you know.. That girl.. I just want to ask if you know them." Goodness, why can't I ask straight forward.

"You're almost smashing the door and disturbs my rest time just to ask that question? Ya! That's senseless. Take a rest. Let's talk about that tomorrow."

He was about to close the door, but I stopped him.

"Hyung, help me find out the information of that girlgroup. Please?" I smile from ear to ear, showing my famous boxy smile to Hoseok hyung.

"Hey! You're a dead meat once Namjoon hyung knows about this. But since, you and I both love to hear that group, I'll tell you there group name." He said and ask me to get closer, I think he'll whisper it to my ear.

"Their group name is, 'GO TO YOUR ROOM AND REST' okay? Let's talk about it tomorrow."

If I only knew that I would not get anything from him, I would not have wasted any more pity. Ah really!

"Psssst! Are you liking them? Or liking her?" I looked at the one who spoke behind me. Jimin.

"Huh? What are you saying?" I answered, then leaves him right away.

What is he thinking? Am I that obvious?

"Hey hey hey! You're so obvious, I saw the way you looked at Wheein earlier."

My ears snapped.
Is it her name? She has a beautiful and unique name.

I cleared my throat and face Jimin. I can't tell him yet. He might slip and tell Namjoon hyung everything. But damn, I need to know her. She caught me right before she started singing.

"I have known you since we were just studying. We're best friends right? Can you please keep this to Namjoon hyung? Not just to him, also to Jin hyung and hoseok hyung." I said while clinging to his left arm.

"Ahh, you're liking her aren't you?" He asked while tickling me.

Yes I'm liking her, I was caught off guard. I got stunned by her and her dimples. But why do Jimin know them?

"Ya! Why do you know them? Why do you know her?"

"Are you serious? They're famous because of their powerful vocals. They're Mamamoo."

"I know they're Mamamoo, the MC even said that earlier. I just wanted to ask the name of that lady in red. Now I know it's Wheein, I thank you and excuse me because I wanna know her more."

"Taehyung-ah be careful, Namjoon hyung has sharp eyes." Jimin said between his laughs.

I walked to the living room to start reading Wheein's profiles.

Come on, am I being a stalker? or admirer?

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