SBS Gayo Daejun 2016

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It's not that easy to make a name in music industry most especially when you were surrounded by most popular groups.

Not to brag but our group Mamamoo starts to build our own image. That moment when we were recognized when we performed at Blue Dragon Awards, it's priceless. We work hard, and we'll work harder.

I remembered Jung Woo Song's reaction when Byul eonnie did her adlib.

I remembered Jung Woo Song's reaction when Byul eonnie did her adlib

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'Jung Woo Song, if I take this shot will you date me?'

That was forever iconic, Byul-eonnie managed herself to be in national television because of the scripted confession adlib. lol

*Ringing (Yongsun calling)

"Hello eonnie?" I answered then ate my boiled egg at the same time.

"Hello Wheein-ssi. Let's meet directly to COEX Hall okay? Don't be late." she said, then I heard a splash of water.

"Eonnie, admit it. Are you still in the bathtub?"

She just laugh with her signature dolphin laugh. Then she said goodbye.


Owww, I forgot about Tae nowadays. We're both busy due to our comebacks.

*Dialing Tae to video call

"What's with that face Whee? Hahahaha

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"What's with that face Whee? Hahahaha." Tae asks after he showed that V-sign.

"Nothing. I thought you'll gonna do it too. By the way, are you dressed right away? Where are you now?"

"Going to COEX Hall now. What about you? It seems like you haven't prepared yet." he said.

"Yeah, I haven't prepared yet, I just finished by breakfast." I answered.

"Well, you should prepare now. I'll see you here at the venue. Okay?" he said.

"Even if we'll meet there, *cough* we still can't talk to each other." I sadly said.

"I'm sorry about that, I feel the way Whee." he's sad also. Exhaustion is very visible to him now. But still I know, he'll nail the performance tomorrow.

"Yaaa, don't be. But if you feel sorry, wanna hang-out next week? I'm going to my hometown for a quick vacation." I said to him and I can't see excitement in his eyes.

"Taehyung-ssi? Yuhooo! Taehyung-ssiii? Taetae." I called his attention.

"Yaaa! Wait a minute. I'm thinking about how am I going to adjust my schedule." He said.

"You're coming with me???!! Taetae??!"

"There you go again. Yes I'm coming with you. Now, start preparing. I'll see you later."

He's coming!
He's coming!
He's coming!

But where is he going to stay there?

"Okay.. *coughs* .. I will. *cough*" I answered. Ugh! I've been in bad condition since last night. Maybe I overworked myself.

Tae lifts his right brow the moment he hears my coughing.

"What's that? Are you sick? Wheein-ah?" Tae's worried now. I can see it.

"*coughs* Maybe, but I can still handle this." I keep on coughing. I think I'm really sick.

"Drink your medicine now. Tell your manager about your situation so that you can rest." Tae said.

"No, I'm really okay. Don't you want me to see there?" I ask jokingly to him.

"Yes, cuz I want you to rest. You should take care of yourself first." he said then he touched his forehead.

I nodded as answer. I can't say any words cuz' I've been nailed the way he concerns.

I didn't answer because the more I push my side, the more he'll get angry.

"Why do you stare like that?" he asks.

"Just. I find you sexy when worrying."


D-day of SBS Gayo Daejun 2016, and time check it's now 8 o'clock in the evening. It's confirmed that I have a fever. But I will still perform tonight.

We are in the waiting room, reviewing what we rehearse, retouching and of course playing. What else?

"Wheein-ssi, are you sure about this? Maybe you should seat while performing, cuz' what if you'll pass out there?" Byul eonnie said.

"My body is still capable, I can handle this eonnie don't worry."

"I know, I know. I'm just worried. Remember when we were invited to perform at Gonghak University? Yes you didn't passed out during performance, but you passed out when we walk going to the carpark."

"Even if it'll happen, I have you eonnie. By the way, did you already informed Jin sunbae about using their famous line from dope in our adlib?" I asked her.

"Yes, I messaged him yesterday night. He immediately agreed."

It'll be a surprised for the groups, I hope everything's went well.

*ting (Text Message)

Tae: Whee-ssi, good luck on your performance. Please get well sooner.

Me: Thanks, I will. Good luck on your performance too sunbae.

He didn't respond. I think they're now going to red carpet.


The red carpet interview went well. Although my head hurts, I think I can still manage to continue the activities. I’m not halfway there yet.

"Eonnie, I'm hungry. Can I eat for a while?" Hyejin asked Yong-eonnie. She's always been hungry, anytime and anywhere. Maybe there's beggar in her stomach. lol

"Ya hyejin-ah, tell the beggar there that we cannot eat this time." I said while laughing.

She immediately run to our manager to ask biscuit. I actually understand her, she's in diet nowadays.

As we were walking along the hallway going to the car park, I hear a fast footsteps then I saw BTOB sunbaenim. I greeted them politely, and so they are.

"Hi Wheein-ssi, how are you?" Changsub oppa said.

"I'm good. I'm great. Ohh, see you at the stage performances later. I'll go first, my members left me already." he just smiled and waves to me.

I walked to fast to reach the carpark.

As I saw the last car parked straight to the hallway, I immediately went there cuz' now, maybe Yong-eonnie is angry.

I opened the car's door and found out that, this isn't ours. My eyes widened seeing Jimin, Jin and Jungkook seating at the first row. They're were shocked also.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I apologize in multiple times.

Worst part, I didn't close the car's door.

"Waahahahaha!" I laugh loudly as I am running as fast as I can to reach our car.

This is humiliating! My goodness!
But before I get in to our car, I heard someone shouted...


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