Take you Home

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It's already 5 pm.

I should have left earlier.
I forgot about the occasion because Taehyung is texting me.

Text after texts from time to time.

I need to prepare and fix myself for Shinmi's birthday.

"Hyejin, have you seen my bucket hat?" I asked her.

"My god Wheein-ah, you got 7 bucket hats there. Why not use one of them?" she answered then continue doing her staff. Kimchi thingy.

"Send my regards Wheein-ie." Solar eonnie said.

"Yes eonnie, how about you Moonbyul eonnie? Do you want to come? I think Sandeul oppa is there too."

"Sandeul? No thanks. I will also go somewhere later. Send my regards also." Moonbyul eonnie answered.

"Let me come with you Wheein-ah." Hyejin said.

I saw hyejin still dressed at home.

"Eonnie, I have to go. You know, it's embarrasing to come late."

I run towards the door and took a glance to the three ladies.

I saw them holding and tickling Hyejin. I love them so much.


I was outside Gyeongri's house.
Maybe the party is starting, it's embarrassing to go inside.

"Jung Wheein? You're Jung Wheein right?" Someone asked so I turned myself and saw Vernon. Vernon of Seventeen.

Gyeongri only knows so many idols.
The ones inside are definitely idols.

"Oh, hi Vernon." I bowed politely.

"Why are you still here? Are you waiting for someone?" he asked.

"No. I think I'm late, it's embarrassing to go inside."

"Late? So, I'm late also. Let's go inside together." he smiled and lead the way.

I smiled also and followed him.
Once we were inside, I couldn't help but stare. I saw familiar faces—celebrities.

When Vernon and I were really inside, I think they were looking at us. I saw Gyeongri running towards us.

"I thought you were not coming. You too Vernon. Come on, sit here in front."

She lead the way, I and Vernon followed her.

Even though I found a seat, I was still embarrassed.

I turned myself checking every edge of the hall and found myself amazed by them.

"Taehyung-ah! Finally! I thought you were not coming also. Come, seat here."

Taehyung? Kim Taehyung?

I tried not to look at Gyeongri's place. But I failed because she lead Kim Taehyung beside me.

"Wheein? You're hear also?" he said between his giggles.

"Yes. Hi V sunbaenim."

"I told you already not to call me sunbaenim, we're in the same age right?"

I nodded repeatedly and found him smiling.

"Are you two close?" Vernon asks while raising one of his eyebrows.

"Not really."

Taehyung and I answered in chorus. I saw Vernon was unsatisfied with our answer.

Imagine? We answered differently.

The party went smoothly and perfect.
It's in the third part now, dinner.

It's in the third part now, dinner

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What a breathtaking foods

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What a breathtaking foods.
But I'm on diet for our upcoming comeback. I don't know what to eat.

"Just eat all Wheein-ah." and I saw Taehyung put bakemac, fish cakes, sushi etc on my plate.

"Oh, um. I need to diet Taehyung-ah." I said in low voice.

"You don't need to diet, you're still beautiful no matter what."

What? What's with him?
Taehyung-ah !!! Why are you so? Urghh!

I saw some people looking at us. What if they think were dating?


I looked around, they were taking pictures, dancing, laughing, drinking etc.

Time check it's 10 pm, I need to go home to rest. We have a schedule tomorrow.

I already said my goodbye to Gyeongri earlier, because she might go busy.

I walk towards the door and left.

I decided to go to the nearest convenience store to have some noodles.

Kim Taehyung put so many meats and sweets on my plate earlier. What's with him?

*Ting (text message)

Taehyung: Why did you leave immediately? I would have taken you home.

I would have taken you home.
I would have taken you home.
I would have taken you home.

Arrrghhhhhh. I cringe, why is he like this?

Me: I have to go, to rest. We have a schedule tomorrow.

Taehyung: Did you got home safely?

Me: Honestly, I haven't been home yet. I'm at a convenience store and grab some ramen.

Taehyung: Oh is it my fault? I put so much meat and sweets earlier. I'm sorry.

Sh|t he's so cute.

Me: Don't be, it's okay.

Taehyung: No. What convenience store did you go. I'll come there and treat you.

I want to tell him where I am, but I need to make a gap.

It's not the right time and moment to hangout together.

Should I let myself fall for him?
Am I ready to face conflicts?
Am I ready?

Me: I'm done eating my food. Actually, I'm going home right now.

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