Hit the jackpot

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It's been a month since we revealed our relationship to Moonbyul noona.

At first, I really expect that she'll going to stop us—our relationship. Her presence is like Yoongi hyung. Very intimidating.

And since that day, we started to build friendship. She's not that hard to be friends with. She's like Jin hyung very bright. I wonder what it looks like to be a member of 92'liners haha.

*Ting (Text Message)

"Oh it's Byul noona."

Byul: I have a gift for you. Treat me foods and beers.

Me: I treat you if it's worth it. Drop it noona.

Byul: It's worth it. Thank me later.

Me: I already know that she's beautiful

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Me: I already know that she's beautiful. Yes, I haven't seen this picture of her. Well, thank you. No food, no beer.

Byul: This is the last time you'll gonna see her like that.

Hm? What does she mean? Is she doing a concept that she never did before?

Me: What do you mean? Tell me.


3 Minutes had passed yet Byul noona isn't responding to my message. I open our conversation again and found out...

Byul: *seen

Oh really? Why is she like that?

Wait, why is Wheein wearing that off-shoulder clothes? What kind of concept are they going to drop?

*Ting (Text Message)

I immediately check my notification only to find out that it's Wheein.

Wheein: Taehyung-ssssssii, what to do??!

Me: Why? What happened? Where are you?

Wheein: Do you want to meet up? You can come to my house. Eonnies are not around, they're busy.

Me: Not this time Whee, I haven't moved on since that day that we got busted by Byul noona.

Wheein: Hahaha! Moved on dude. I promise, I guarantee you, they're not coming.

Me: No. Isn't it unfair? You should come to my place. I'm not staying at our dorm tonight.


Am I really going to invite her right away? Only the two of us?

I've been in her place the last time right?
But I'm with Byul noona and Hwasa-ssi that time. And this time, it'll be the two of us.

I felt a wind out nowhere. Then I just saw Jimin-ie fanning me.

"You're sweating." he said.


It's been 6 hours, still she's not answering my message. Did I ask to much? Did I cross boundary?

"Hyung, aren't you going home yet? The car's ready outside. Let's go." Jungkook asks.

"Ahh, really?"

"Does it looks like not? Look, they're heading out. You're spacing out the whole day. What's the matter? You're always busy with your phone whenever we we're given a break?"

"Nothing. Oh, I can't come home today with you guys, I'm with my Mom tonight. She's coming at my place." I lied. I think I'm going to lie more often just to see Wheein.

"Oh really? Can I come with you? I missed Aunt's cookings and side dishes." Jungkook said then he started to come closer to me.

"I actually invited Mom tonight, I'm going to discuss something with her. I'm sorry Jungkook-ssi. Maybe next time, I'll ask her to cook for us." I said to him.

"What took you so long? Let's go, everyone's exhausted." Namjoon hyung said.

"I'm sorry hyung. By the way, I'm not coming home tonight, I'm with my Mom. Can you drop me by then?"


I'm in front of my place now, but before I entered the gate, I checked my phone but still no response from Wheein.

Did I offended her? Did I really crossed the line?

As I entered my house, hmm..

I smelled something familiar. I immediately run towards kitchen and saw...

"Mom? What are you doing here?" I got shocked? Like.. see, I just talked about her earlier now she's here. Did I summon her?

"Yaaa! What kind of question is that? Are you not happy to see me? Or, are you expecting someone? Or are you with someone?" Mom said then run towards the door.

"What are you doing?" I asked again. I still can't believe. What if I really summoned Mom?

"I'm just checking. Well, I just missed my baby. Come, I cook something delicious." Mom said then brings me to the dining table.

"Something delicious? It's my favorite right?" I asked her. She just nodded as answer.

"How are you son? How's your work?" Mom asks all of a sudden. This kind of moments can break me down.

No one listens to me like how Mom listens to my worries. She's one of a kind.

"You have always known that I love my work Mom, so whether I am tired or not. I am not giving up my dream." I said. When I talk to Mom, my tears really well up.

"Why? Did I tell you to give up? This kid really. You make me worry more. What's happening? You can always share your thoughts, problems and worries to me. Don't cry, you're a grown man now."

Because of what Mom said, I broke down.
The feeling that your Mom is the one you are talking to is really different. I just cried it out.

"I'm tired Mom. I am actually tired. I want to reach my dream immediately but.. but it's not that easy."

My Mom stood up and hugs me tight. Very tight. I wish Mom is always right next to me.

"You can make it son, I believe in you. You are so talented, handsome, charismatic. You know son, crying is a great therapy for emotional problems and concerns. Just cry. Just cry it out to lighten your feelings. No one's here except you, me and Wheein."


What? What did she say?

"Who? Wha.. what did you say?" I moved a little away from Mom to asked her those questions.

"What do you mean? You?" She asked back.

"Not that!" I shouted.

"What? What do you mean that? You mean me?" she answered.

"No not that, the other one!" I shouted again.

"Stop shouting! You might wake her up."

I've never been this fast in all of my life. Miscalculation or not, I just reached my room in .7 seconds.

As I opened the door, I found no one. Did I heard it wrong?

I'm crazy
I'm crazy...

Look Wheein, what you made me do.

I sat on my bed laughing because of how I behave earlier. Then I heard the door opens and saw Mom.

"I didn't let her sleep in your room son, you might not like it. She's sleeping in our room son."

Before I left my room to check if it's really her sleeping on Mom and Dad's room...

"You just hit a jackpot son."

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