Can I?

485 31 1

I haven't slept much for a few days now, because of what Hyejin did.

At the same time it makes the butterflies in my stomach go wild when he says I'm pretty.

It's the second time he complimented me.


It would have been okay if he replies.

But.. but.. my goodness. He just saw it and read it. He didn't reply!

"Wheein-ah, I'm sorry." hyejin has been close to me lately. If she feels sorry, she must buy me pork ribs.

"Wheein-ah, sorry. I will never do that again, huh? I'll buy you pork ribs. Call?"

Did she just read my mind?
Or it's just a soulmate thing?

"Hmm. call!" I responded then she hugged me tightly.

"Who are you texting by the way? You really got mad because of what I did."

"Promise me you're going to say it to eonnies?" I asked her.

She nodded and comes closer.

"He's a very talented sunbae."

"You mean a man?" Hyejin got shocked and even covered her mouth.

I nodded as a answer. She could not believe it. Haha

"Who is it? Tell me. Tell meee!"

I tightly closed my eyes. And stares at Hyejin.

"V sunbaenim."

She's shocked with a bigger eyes and mouth.

"Really? Tell me more!" Hyejin shakes me. Then she tickled me.

"I don't know what happened to them but I want to hugged them also." Yongsun eonnie said.

"Me too." Moonbyul eonnie said.

Then the two runs towards us.
It will hatch me again.


We're heading to RBW building after we performed Inkigayo. Mr. Kim Do Hoon has something to say to us.

"How are you ladies?" Ceo-nim asks.

We just laugh and nodded.

"Well, I actually want Wheein and Moonbyul to be here. But since you're a group I guess you should know also." Ceo-nim said.

"Whoa~ It's a big news right?" Yongsun eonnie asks.

He just nodded. Ahh, really.

"Wheein? Did you remember the draft we recorded?"

"Yes. If you'll ask me how is it, it's so beautiful. I hope it'll become our song." I answered.

Moonbyul eonnie burst out laughing. She even holds her tummy.

"It is because "Hitman" Bang, Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi, and ME, wrote the song."

What? Really?

Wow! No wonder it's really a great song.
And it's an honor to sing the draft.

I heard the door opens and saw Bang PD together with Hoseok, Jimin sunbaenim and TAEHYUNG??!

"Welcome my friend." ceo-nim welcomed and bowed politely at Bang PD, to Hoseok, Jimin and V sunbaenim. Then leads them to the vacant seats.

We bowed also to them but I immediately turned myself away from their gazes.

I wanna faint, I wanna faint. My heartbeat is getting faster.

I fixed my hair then tries to cover up my face.


"Eonnie, I left my cellphone in the car. Can I go out?" Ceo-nim is about to say something to me but I cut him off. Sorry~

I ask Yongsun eonnie beside me. And she just shrugged.

"Wheein-ah, you're just holding your cellphone."

What the... HIDE ME PLEASE.

"Ahh, I mean my bag. I need to get the notes regarding the drafts discussed by ceo-nim." she nodded.

"Get back immediately and be careful. There might be media and people out there."

I nodded and rushed out of the room.

I ran halfway down the hallway. When I noticed that I was a bit far from the conference room, I started walking.

Should I just go home?


I already got my bag in the car and found a seat at the lobby. I don't have the courage to go back there.


"Hello eonnie?" I take Yong eonnie's call.

"Where are you? We already finished the meeting. Ceo-nim is looking for you."

"I'm sorry eonnie. I'm at the comfort room, I suddenly got stomach ache. I'm done, so I'm coming." I answered and released a big sigh.

"Go straight to studio 4. Okay?" she said then hangs up.

I stand and started to walk going to studio 4.

"Can you carry all of this Sir? Should I come with you?"

I heard the man said to.. TAEHYUNG?

Why am I getting suprised this day?
Always been him. Whyyy!

"I can help you." I said.

He looks at me. I mean, stares at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Oh nothing." He said.

I carried two plastic trays of coffee and a bag of subway burger. Taehyung is also carrying the same food that I'm carrying.

"Where are you going?" I asked without looking at him.

"I'm going to studio 4."

It looks like we are being played.

"Ah really? Me too. Hmm, what do you think we're going to do?" I asked him.

He's not looking to me also. Is he awkward or he doesn't want to be friends with me anymore.

I want to talk to him, like we did on texts. I even want to ask him how is he or how's his day.

"How are you?"
"Are you mad?"

Did we really ask at the same time?
But, am I mad? Why?

"You go first." He said.

"Why are you asking me if I'm mad?"

Now I'm facing at him. He's shocked.

"Um.. it's ah.. it feels like you are avoiding me."

"No I'm not." I answered immediately.

"Then, can I ask you out?"

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