Caller Revealed

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It's now 2017 and still, the cold weather remains.

I can't remember when and why I thought of wearing this.

A see through and only tube tops inside and black short.

By the way, I haven't informed you that I and the other members are here at the waiting room because it d-day for Seoul Music Awards. lol

"Wheein-ssi, if you feel uncomfortable about your attire since it's still cold weather, you can change it now. We still have time. You too Hyejin-ssi." Yong-eonnie said.

"And you too Solar-ssi." Byul-eonnie said.

"Can you let me borrow your coat eonnie?" I said to Byul-eonnie.

"Or just don't wear that. And let's feel the cold weather together." Hyejin said.

"Ladies, I forgot. We don't have anything extra clothes." Yong-eonnie said.

*ringing (phone call)

I stepped outside the room to answer the call. I'm in the hallway now and I can see other idols taking group pictures.

I just need to take this call.

"Hello? Hello.. Do you hear me?"

No response. I check the number and this digits seems so familiar to me.

"Hello? Won't you really answer?" I said.

Yeah right.

I forgot to change my number that day when Tae tells me so. Urgh!

"Hello?" there, he responded.

"Yes hello. Please stop calling me if you're not able to speak or to say something. I know that we are both busy so--"

"Sorry about that, hmm. I-I.. I can't say my name, I can't reveal myself."

"Stalker." I said.

"Well you can say that. I can't blame you. But I'm actually one of your fans. I admired you very much." he said.


"I'm not harmful." he said. Wow! Really?

"Prove it." I'm answering coldly. Can't he sense that I am not interested to this kind of thing?

"Well, I-ahh.. Hmm.. I can't prove it but I can give you a hint. I'm an idol too. My group is one of the performers tonight."

So he's here at the show too? Still can't stop myself doubting.

"If so, which part will your group performs?"

"I can't say that, sorry. Cuz' this will be the last time to keep my identity. And on this day, I'm going to reveal myself to you. I will come to you and greet you. So I hope, you'll respond later. Byeeee!"

"Wait.. Hello? Hello?!"

What was that?


We always love to perform like we are from the crowd going to stage. We love to interact with our fans that's why Yong-eonnie prepares everything. Talking to Mr. Do Hoon, to our manager and down to the program director.

We want to perform like we always have something new for our fans.

"Wheein-ssi? Were do you want to stand by?" the staff asked me.

We are about to perform now, Yong-eonnie and Hyejin are in the audience. Byul eonnie is in the Gfriend's table and I am in the...

"Hmm, there." I said then points the table of Zico sunbaenim.

"Okay. Well, it's a good spot cuz' it's visible for the cameraman and it'll be easy for you to join the other members. You're really wise." the staff said.

I just smiled at him then he leads me to the table.

As soon as I took the seat beside Zico sunbaenim. I noticed that some of the idol's eyes are on me.

Most especially this man in front of me, if I'm not mistaken, I think he is from Winner.

The moment I took the seat here, he is stealing glances on me. Like, he wanted to open a conversation.

"Are you really okay in this spot? You can move to Twice's table." the staff said.

"I'm okay here. Thank you for accompanying me Sir." I said to him.

He just nodded and took the chair beside me.

"He seems to be distrustful that you are here?" I turned myself to Zico sunbaenim after hearing those words. I caught him laughing, so just laughed too.

Then after 3 minutes, the show begins.
And before I get focused on our performance, I took a very fast glance to Tae. He was looking right at me. Emotionless.


It's always been us—MAMAMOO to go first. After closing, we just waved to the fans then we'll immediately leave the stage. It's not like we don't want to mingle and interact to the crowds. But we are really shy. Yes we are crazy on or off camera, still we get very shy whenever we are surrounded by people. But of course not to Moomoos.

"I want to go home immediately, then soak myself to hot water." Hyejin said.

"Burning your own skin Hyejin-ssi? Don't do that, Hwa-lion might not know you after." I said to her.

Our manager gave thick jackets for us to felt warm. We're in the backstage heading to the waiting room we used a while ago.

As we are about to go to the waiting room, I saw Winner walking, the same route as ours. They greeted us politely and so we are to them. But...

"Hi Wheein." I turned myself to Mino.

Mino stopped and so do I, maybe he got something to say. I think he got something to say earlier at the table but he wasn't able to do it because they left as soon as we are about to perform.

I saw my members walked away, never turning back. They left me.

"Hmm. Hi Mino. Ah, do you want to say something?" I answered.

"Nothing. Remember, I promised that I will come to you and greet you." he said.

"Promised? When?" Are we that close? I just talked to him now.

"I called you before the show. Sorry for not telling you."



"It's you? Oh my.. Why? How.. When did.. Wait, how did you get my phone number?"

So it's him? Song Mino from Winner?
But why is he calling me?

"From Zico hyung."

Zico sunbaenim? How did sunbae?

"Ahh, I actually asked Zico hyung to get your number on Hwasa." he said.

"And?" I said.

Why did he do that? Does he need something? Need help? Not to assume but does he want to collab? lol


"I'm sorry again for not telling my identity. I just wanted to get your number because I.. ahh, I want to get closer to you."

"Ahh really? I got scared because you called for three times but you still didn't tell me about yourself. Haha, but if you want to  be friends with me, it's okay." I said.

I saw him flinched. Why?

"Friends? Ah yeah. Hmm, are you busy? Wanna have some coff----" I saw him turned himself and bowed to..


I immediately greeted them also, I bowed politely to them.

I saw all BTS members responded to Mino's greeting.

They greeted me too, except Taehyung.

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