25216 You're the Best

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We just finished practicing, so now Namjoon hyung gave us 20 minutes to rest.

Gonna check my social media, the music video may have been released as the comeback of Mamamoo.

"Wow really, they're so great." Hoseok hyung said.

The who?

"I like the concept." Jin hyung said.

"The rapper.. ah really, how can she have that deep voice?" Hoseok hyung said again.

"Her dimple is really pretty." Namjoon hyung said as he passed in front of Jin hyung and Hoseok hyung.

"Just like yours hyung. Can you show me your smile?" Hoseok hyung ask.

Then Namjoon hyung glared at him. Hoseok hyung laughs.

RBW now posted the music video. I'm not yet ready.

"What are you doing?" Jimin asked then he take the seat beside me.

"I'm going to watch Mamamoo's song." I answered while putting earphones in my ear.

"Their comeback? You mean You're the best?" He asked exaggeratly.

"Yeah why?"

"Are you sure? We already watched their music video. About 5 minutes after the release earlier. You're late Taehyung. HAHA! Look, have you heard that two hyungs talking? It's about Mamamoo's comeback."

"WHAT? Why didn't you tell me?" I frowned.

I glared at him, then he runs away from me. Cuz he already know that I'm going to break his bones. lol, kidding.

I got excited and really enjoyed Mamamoo's comeback. You're the best.

Ah really, very talented.

I got whipped by wheein's charm the whole video. She's just so adorable.

I just don't like the part when that man wiped wheein's face beside her lip because of the sauce.

I check my wristwatch and I still have 10 minutes before we go back to practice. Lemme text her.

Me: Hi! Congratulations in your comeback. You guys are really cool and very talented. I guess it'll be a huge success and breakthrough to your group. Fighting!

"Hey, have you done watching the video?" Jimin comes again and asks.

"Yes, I ..."

*ting (text message)

I immediately check my phone if Wheein replied.

"Ah really." I heard Jimin then made a deep sigh and walks away. Sorry Jimin-ah.

Wheein: Thanks a lot. Hopefully, because we have done everything we can for this comeback.

um.. ah, What to reply?

Me: I enjoyed the song, very catchy. I hope I can watch you in person while performing, I'm gonna cheer for you and sings at the top of my lungs. By the way the concept suits you well. You looked very pretty.

Should I send this? I think it's really straight forward. Isn't it too much? But it's a fact. She's really pretty.

Send? or no.
Send? or no.
Send? o..

"BAAAAAH!" What the! I was surprised there. He runs away again. Ah really! Jimin has really nothing to do with his life.

I check my phone again, found out..


When did I decided to send this message huh?

"JIMIN-AHHHH! Hide! I'm gonna kill you!"


We're in the car heading home.

They're all asleep except me and Suga hyung. He's listening to his own music.

"Can't you sleep yet? Obviously you are as tired as they are." He asked me.

"I also want to sleep, I just can't because of this Jimin and Jungkook. They just made me a pillow." I said and saw Suga hyung nodded.

"Wait, did you remember that mp3 file I recorded from your phone? Can you send it to me?" Suga hyung asks.

"Yes, but can you do it yourself hyung? I don't want to wake this two up. It's in the bag, at the back of your seat."

He started to move to get my phone. As he opened the phone, he looks back to me.

"She said you're the best." He said then gives my phone to me.

What does he mean? I immediately check it then..

Wheein: Oh thank you. You look great also, V is the best. (V is mwondeul).

She thinks I'm the best? Jung Wheein!

Her simple text makes the butterflies in my tummy go wild.

"Are you dating?"

A simple question that makes my body shivers.

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