Missing You

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Misunderstanding. It is so difficult to handle.

But jealousy is more difficult to handle.
Man, this is normal right?

I still can't get in touched to Whee.
A week later, I still haven’t talked to Whee.

Byul-eonnie said she's busy. Eonnie didn't tell me why she's busy right now.

If you only knew what I went through at the hands of byul-eonnie when she found out that Whee and I weren't okay.

My god. She was really angry... that time.
But when I explained everything, she cool down.

I remembered how I almost got busted that night when I decided to go to Whee's house.


"Are you dating?"

I might be having a heart attack now. Yoongi hyung is so serious right now.

He is leaning at the table waiting for me to respond.

He's looking at my eyes, expecting me to say yes.

So.. I just nodded.

"I'm dating..

I saw Jin hyung walking towards us with raised brows.

dating.. Jungkook."


I am not ready to reveal to the hyungs as well.

"Tae, have you waited for too long? I went somewhere else. Sorry~"

I turned myself and saw Yoongi hyung.
I'm meeting hyung here at Cafe Dooroo.

"Not that long hyung." I said.

"You choose a far café, Sungin 1(il)-dong, Jongno-gu. Why? Are you afraid other members might know about your secret?" he said then puts his bag beside him.

"It's not like I committed a crime hyung. You are overreacting." I said.

I looked at the café staff to serve what I ordered a while ago.

"So.. Spill the tea. Aside from me, who else knows about you dating her." he said and folds his arms.

"I'm sorry hyung, I didn't inform you. Hoseok hyung and Jimin knows."

"And? why not confess it to the other members?"

"It's difficult hyung. You already knew how Namjoon hyung cares about us, cares about me, you, the other members and the group. I think, he will stop me from dating Whee."

"That's what I am going to do as well."

"Ahh hyung, why?!"

"It's normal Tae, but I can't do anything. I can't stop you because we have our privacy. So as a hyung, I'm just going to support you no matter what will happen."

I nodded. I understand. Am I selfish?
Selfish because I didn't consider my member's feelings and the group's status and situation.

"You're thinking Tae haha. Don't worry, I'll cover you. So, when did you guys started dating?"

"Well, february 2016. Hayy, we will be celebrating our first year by next month. We are not in good terms right now hyung. It's been a week since I haven't talked to her or meet her. She's busy."

I said, then took a sip on my coffee.

"I think she really is busy. I talked to Jungkey hyung the other day, he's working with a new album together with Wheein and.. and.. I forgot the other artist."

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