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I've never been this fast in all of my life. Miscalculation or not, I just reached my room in .7 seconds.

As I opened the door, I found no one. Did I heard it wrong?

I'm crazy
I'm crazy...

Look Wheein, what you made me do.

I sat on my bed laughing because of how I behave earlier. Then I heard the door opens and saw Mom.

"I didn't let her sleep in your room son, you might not like it. She's sleeping in our room son."

Before I left my room to check if it's really her sleeping on Mom and Dad's room...

"You just hit a jackpot son."

I smiled from ear to ear hearing what my Mom said.

It's true. I'm so lucky to have Wheein. The lady in red who catched my attention, who accepts me for who I am, and who never worries about what the future holds for the both of us."

"How can you say that I hit the jackpot?" I leaned myself in the wall and ready to hear Mom's side.

"Well, I talked to her earlier. She even bring some groceries. Hmm, she's kind and soft-hearted. She loves her family just like you. She loves her grandma just like you. I love the way how  she express her love to them even if they're away. And before I forgot, she's beautiful. I am happy because she found you. Hopefully not again. You know, your ex---"

"No Mom, you should be happy because I found her. She's one of a kind, she's not like the type of girl you are thinking. So, don't worry. I will never let her go."

I walked going to the room where she nap. I entered the room and found Wheein sleeping with mouth opened.


I don't deserve her yet she made me deserving. She's so wonderful.

I decided not to wake her up. Because she might be very tired. I know she's busy preparing for their comeback but still she managed to visit me.

I took a shower then immediately wear my pajamas. I'm going to wake Wheein up for dinner. We'll going to eat what she and Mom prepared earlier.

But when I came in, I could not see her.

She's not in the living room, she's not in the kitchen either. So I decided to go out.
And I found her in the yard sitting in the wooden swing. She looked at me then she started laughing.

"Sorry, I fell asleep." she said.

"No, I'm sorry. I should've go home early."

"If you knew I was here, it wouldn't be a surprise. Silly! Were you surprised?"

"Very surprised. By the way, your bangs looks good to you." I said while sitting next to her. She covered her face with her palms.

 She covered her face with her palms

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"You mean it?" She said.

"Of course." I said then I give her a hug.

"I missed you so much. How are you?" she asked me.

It feels good to be asked how you are. Especially if Wheein is the one who asks.

"I'm feeling great now. What about you?"

I always feel great whenever I'm with Wheein. I admit that. And also because Mom comforts and encourages me earlier.

"Of course, I'm good. By the way, I have something to tell you." she said then fixed her eyes on me.

"Uh, about our comeback."

"What about it? Need help?"

"Nooo. No. What I mean is about the concept. It's quiet daring."

I already expect that. And I already set my emotion to not overreact.

"So? C'mon Whee. Just do what makes you comfortable. It's okay for me." I said.

"This is not for your concern okay? Lol. It's about how we are going to film with that foreign guy like, HELLO EARTH? We are going to act closely then pretend we are kissing."

"Whaa--" someone is calling her.

She stood up and gives me a sign that she'll take the call first.

Hold up, but why are they going to do that? Can they just have to repeat the concept like You're the best? Not that daring. Or can they just express the song without a guy?

I saw her walked away a little but I could still hear what she was saying.

"Hello, who's this please?"

"Are you the one who called earlier?"

"Please say your name or I'll end this call."


She turned off the call then came back to me with a frown on her face.

"Who was that? Unknown caller?" she nodded.

"Then?" I asked for more details.

"He called me earlier like 10 am I think That was during our practice. He asked me if I'm Wheein. When he found out that I was the one he was talking to, he immediately turned off the call. I don't know him, his voice is also not familiar to me."

I think it's someone who admires Wheein.
I should've grab Whee's phone. I just wish it isn't an idol.


"Are you mad?" she asked me at the same time she came close to my face.

"No. Tell me more." I'm not mad but close to angry.

"Well as you witnessed, he called again. Still confirming if it's me. Is it someone I know? Idol? Because it is so loud. I can hear counting, stomping of feet and sound system's feedback."

"Send me that number. Whee, listen to me. Change your number immediately, okay?"

My hunch is correct. It's an idol just like us. But who could that be? How did he managed to get Wheein's number?

"Why? Well yeah, I think so too. I should change it."


I didn't sleep much last night, I was thinking about the man who called Whee.
I think it's an idol who likes Wheein that much. But who could it be?

I'm here in the dance studio waiting for the other members. I'm seating at the edge of this studio with crossed arms while staring at my phone in the floor. Should I try calling him?

I hear footsteps and saw Hobi hyung going coming, so I immediately off my phone and meet him with smile.

"You seem serious out there. What are you doing?" Hyung asked while doing warm ups.

"Nothing Hyung." I answered. I stood up then I start my warm ups.

"You're with Wheein last night right?"

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