Mid of 2015- Happy Together

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Should I wear sweat shirt or jacket?
Pants or maxi dress?
Rubber shoes or boots?
Bag pack or shoulder bag?

I spent a long time facing the mirror, then this is all I will wear.

"Uy Jung Wheein, whom are you going with?" I looked at Moonbyul eonnie

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"Uy Jung Wheein, whom are you going with?" I looked at Moonbyul eonnie.

"I'm alone eonnie, gonna buy cake for Shinmi. Remember? Gyeongri's daughter?"
I answered while fixing myself in front of the mirror.

"Ahh, okay. Should I come with you? Or Hyejin?" She asks while arranging the things above the table.

"No. It's okay. I'm just going to buy cake. No more no less. Or you do you want anything?" I asked back.

"Nothing. Ask Solar eonnie, or Hyejin-nie. Ya! Jung Wheein, be careful."


I went to Passion5 to buy cake for Shinmi. That kid loves chocolate, so I'm going to buy her a vanilla cake. Hahaha. Joke!

Should I stay here for awhile? I want to grab some cola and a slice of cake.

Should I stay here for awhile? I want to grab some cola and a slice of cake

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I'm not really into strawberry flavors. But I want to try this one. Looks delicious.

"Excuse me. Hmm, hi. Can I join you?" I turned to the man who asked me.

Before I respond to his question. I turned around to check if there's still a vacant table. It's all occupied.

"Ahh, yeah sure." I answered.

"Thank you and I'm sorry for disturbing your mood about taking.. you know pictures, to your cake." he apologized politely.

"It's okay. You want? You can have the half of this cake." I ask him.

Why did I ask to share this cake with him? He might think, I'm hitting on him.

I can't even see his face, he's in mask and cap.

"You're so kind. By the way, I'm Taehyung. Kim Taehyung."

Kim Taehyung? As in Taetae? V? BTS member?

Why would he go this kind of place?

I looked at his eyes, he seemed so familiar. Where did I see him?

"Oh sorry, I should remove my mask." He said and slowly removed the mask.

But what the fvck is this? Why is he here?

"Yo.. You're.. Kim Ta.. V sunbaenim?" I ask, making myself calm.

Like hello? It's a BTS member.

"Yeah, you're Jung Wheein right?"

I nodded repeatedly. I might look crazy here.

"Why are you here V sunbae? Alone?" I asked him. I'm sorry cake, I can't eat you now.

"Yeah, I'm alone. I'm buying cake for my godchild. By the way, we're in the same age right? You can just call me V or Taehyung."
He answered then takes a sip on his drink.

How did he know we're in the same age? Did he stalk me? Lol as if. Hahaha

"Are you sure? V-shi?" He nodded multiple times. Cute.

What cute? I said cute? why cute?


We just talk about dreams and careers.

I learned a lot from him.

I learned a lot about his life.

I like his personality.

I found out we got the same hobby.

Paintings, travel, and pictures.

I like his smile, that boxy smile.

I like his voice.

I like being with him. He was very easy to get along with.

I want to be friends with him. But I can't.

I enjoyed the day, getting along and talking to him.

And it's nice because fortunately, we were at the very edge of the store.

"V-shi, I'm sorry to leave you here alone. But I need to go. I think they're now looking for me." I said.

"Ahh really, my bad. You know I want to be friends with you. Can I have your contact number?"

What? My what? Oh my goodness! I stiff and I lost my words.

"It's okay if no--"

"Yes you can. Here.." and I show him my contact number.

"Thank you Wheein. I'll text you later."


I'm lying at the sofa, thinking about the conversations with Taehyung earlier. And of course, waiting for his text. hihi

"Wheein-ah, we're watching horror. Aren't you scared? Why are smiling?" Yongsun eonnie asks.

"Nothing eonnie. I just remember a funny incident."

And the three ladies shrugged.

*ting (text message)

I checked my phone and..

"Hi Wheein. This is Taehyung. Did you got home safely?"

I immediately run to our room and sits on the edge of the bed.

"Wheein-ah, you scared me." hyejin shouted.

I heard the two eonnies say 'me too.. me too..' then they started laughing.


Looks like it's a long conversation again with..

Kim Taehyung.

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