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I run away.

I run fast as I can away from him, from them.
He's still calling my name but not that loud.

"Oppa wait!" I heard the girl call him and I just felt no one follows me now. I didn't dare to take a glance behind me. I'm sure Taehyung is accompanying her.

As soon as I reached the highway, I thank God the taxi stopped immediately after I called.

Taehyung's knocking the car's door.

"Whee open the door. Let's talk, it's not what you think. She's my asdfghjk."

"Don't mind him, he's a psychopath." i said, the driver nodded.

What did he say? She's a what?


As I'm traveling home now, I felt that this taxi goes faster.

"Excuse me Sir. Can you slow down? I'm not in a hurry." I said and watches the moon outside.

"You sure? I just saw that psychopath guy that you mentioned awhile ago is following us."

I immediately look at the back window and I found that taxi is following us.

I dunno if it's really him. He's following me for what?

But the taxi behind over takes us.
See? It's not him.

"You sure Sir? Maybe because it's a two lane way and he can't over take that's why it looks like they are following us."

*Hyejin dialing...

"Hello Hyejin. Can you spare a time for me? I'm so lonely right now." I said.

"Ssssssshhhh! QuieLkjhgfdsa. Ya Jung Wheein! I told you, I can't be with you this time. I got so much to do."

"Yaaa! I just asked. Are you mad?" I said.

"It's just how I talked Whee, you know that. Look, I still have my schedule now. Let's meet some other time."

"Really? Okay then. I just came home by the way. Then maybe I should go to sleep now? Nothing happened Hyejin. I don't understand. I saw him there with that girl from restaurant."

"WHAAAT?! I mean what? Really? Let's meet on Sunday okay? Tell me everything. I'm going, take care."

Then she end the call.


I walked straight to the door and found out that the door knob was unlocked.

"Mommy? Mommy's here?"
I immediately open the door and...

*BANG!!! Peewww.. pewww!

Like what? What are they doing here?
I roam my eyes and found

Yong and Byul eonnie
Jimin? Why is he here? At my own house?

Then there's Taehyung, carrying the cake with party hat.

What's happening?!
What is he doing here? He's at Namsam park, I left him there.

"Happy birthday Whee."

He said while using his sweetest voice.

I got nothing to do but to leave.
But Tae followed me in my room.

"What are you doing?"


"What?! Do you want to say something? Do you wanna explain?"

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