160630 Jaloux

474 31 1

Being with him considering our setup is difficult.

I always wanted to date publicly, I guess it will never happen.

Because I am dating a superstar.

I still can't believe that a Kim Taehyung falls for me. He's beyond heaven.

What am I compared to other female idols, I don't even look like a celebrity.

"What are you thinking?" I came back to my senses when I remembered that I was still in real life.

Taehyung and I are in the place where we first met. Passion5.

"Oh, nothing. I'm just thinking about how there was water inside the coconut." I answered.

"Does it really make sense to you?" he chuckled. I just nodded as my answer.

I continued sipping my blue lemonade, then..

Of course? How to have water inside the coconut?

"Hey, you're not listening. I said, what time will be your flight tomorrow."

Ah right! We are one of the line up for KCONxNY, I should have stayed at home to rest. Another bunch of work again starting tomorrow.

"I forgot about it. I guess between 9 or 10 am. We'll go there early to film showtime."

He take a sip also to his lemonade, and I heard him saying..

"Were no longer have time for each other. Hayy." It breaks my heart. If you only knew, I also want you to be always be with me too.

"It's okay, we can always have time. Not now but soon. What about you? What time will be your flight tomorrow?"

"It's in the afternoon. Shall we take the flight together?" He's really good at reasoning.

"Not allowed! What are you planning huh?" I just laughed at what this person was saying.


When we arrived in NY, we rested for a while, then we started filming Showtime.

What we do is also tiring, because we eat a lot. Lol Hyejin likes it, doing a mukbang.

We enter some stores looking for souvenirs. We also decided to buy souvenirs for Gfriend.

I also brought some things for my members and.. Taehyung.

I hope he'll like this beaded bracelet.

"Are you guys done? Where heading to the hotel's restaurant for dinner." Yongsun eonnie asked.

"Oh? Are you leaving right away?" We turned ourselves and saw Eric Nam and.. Namjoon sunbae?

Wait what? They're here already?

I keep looking around, maybe Taehyung is with them.

"Oh, Eric-ssi? Why are you here?" Yongsun eonnie asks Eric Nam sunbaenim.

"Oh, you. KCon remember? I'm just walking around, I took Namjoon with me cuz' I thought he's bored. His members are all asleep."

So Taehyung's not here. Okay.

"Cheer up lady, you'll actually meet him tomorrow at KCON." Hyejin whispers to me. I looked at her in confusion, how did she know that I'm looking for him?


We left the two gentleman at the store ealier, for we need to eat our dinner and rest.

As we enter the resto, I saw familiar faces.
I saw Day6 enjoying their dinner the right side of the hall. They even greeted us politely. Then we walk until we reach a vacant table.

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