No Wonder

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Doors and windows are still closed. I'm in my bed with blanket on and I still don't know my plans for this day.

My birthday.

I actually have the list to do for today, but it was all ruined.

It's so funny to think that I made that plan like 2-3 days during break time, practice, or before I sleep. I think of what to put on my itinerary.

And then the plan was ruined about 20 minutes. Haha.

*Ting... (Text Message)

As I checked my phone, I didn't know there are lots of messages already and social media notifications.

Of course my mom.

"Happy birthday my forever baby. Please take care of yourself okay? See you soon. I love you."

I love you too Mom.

"I know you're still in bed. Wake up our wheeinie~ Happy Birthday! Gifts are on the way. Take care, xoxo." From Yong eonnie.

Expected from our Group Mama. lol

"Yaaaaa!!! I'm sorry, I can't go to your birthday. Still have the schedule. But I know it's okay for you, I just have to send the gifts right? You little wench. By the way, I love you so much! Enjoy your day. With or without Tae. Take care okay?"

Wahh, this Hyejin really. She really must come no matter what.

"Our Wheeinie~ Happy birthday! Enjoy your day. Take care always, and by the way, I think the delivery is on the way. I sent you a gift. Message me if you'll throw a party okay?"

This party addict byul eonnie

I took Ggomo to the living room, and I smell something delicious.

Waaahh! Is it Mom? Eh, Mom is pranking me. Haha

I put Ggomo down and I rushed going  to the kitchen. And I found this busy man, cooking.

I'm still in the kitchen's door watching this man full of sweat with apron.
It looks like he's from practice and went directly here.

Watching how busy he is, utensils are falling and he is slicing carefully.

He looked at me and smiled.

"I'm done cooking, go to the table and wait for about a minute." Tae said.

I almost forgot, he has my spare key.
Oh. Not just him, the Eonnies, Hyejin and mom had my spare keys also.

He placed the plate in front of me then he sat down.

I looked at the food. Wow, there is development. I think I can eat this food, not like the other time he cooked something that can't be eaten.


I'm almost done eating what had prepared. No one dares to speak first, i don't know if it's awkward or what.

Why am i feeling this like a farewell breakfast?

"Won't you say something? Are you mad? Can we talk about it?" He broke the silence.

I'm still not ready to talk about it. I placed the spoon and fork then stood up. I slowly walked away from him, but...

"How are you Whee?"

I didn't give him an answer.

"Okay, I understand. What're your plans for today?"

How could he talked about this day? He didn't even apologize or greet me.

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