6: Sapphire

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As I entered the busy school cafeteria, I groaned at the chaos and all the noise around the room. I thankfully found an unoccupied table at the corner and decided to sit there, taking a bag of crisps and a bottle of water out of my bag. I wasn't really that hungry and I didn't wanna spend anytime waiting in line for the food the school had to offer, so I figured this would suffice.

I put my headphone back on, to listen to some music while aimlessly scrolling through social media. Blake had not been in contact with me for almost a week now, but I could see that he was online just a few hours ago.

Why the hell is he avoiding me? Don't I deserve to have someone there for me? I hated myself for always being on my own.

I took a deep breath and decided on texting the only friend I had, Kristy. I told her about Blake not answering my texts and we made plans to meet up tomorrow, which was a Saturday and she could actually drive down here and spend the weekend with me. After a while of texting back and forth, she said that she had to go, so I went back to scrolling through twitter.

I didn't even know how much time had gone by when I heard a male voice greeting me through my music. I sighed and turned to the direction of the voice, expecting it to be Cameron. I was surprised by the person standing infront of me.

"Oh, it's you." I sighed, still in shock as to why he was talking to me infront of the entire school. I paused the song that was almost over anyway to see what he wanted.

"Hi, can I sit with you for a moment?" Blondie from Biology asked me with a smile. I nodded, curious to find out what he wanted from me. He took a seat across from me, placing his backpack on the table and I took off my headphones, resting them around my neck.

"What do you want?" I sternly asked. If he even considers messing with me today, he's dead meat. I couldn't deal with another asshole, not today at least.

"Sorry, I don't want anything, I just thought I should sit with you, so you're not completely on your own." I rose an eyebrow at him, still not understanding his intentions.

"You came here to keep me company?" I asked and he nodded with a faint smile.

"That's all?" I continued.

"Yeah?" He mostly asked, rather than answering, and rose an eyebrow at me.

"Besides, you still haven't told me your name, and I told you mine." He smiled. To be honest, I didn't even remember his name. I knew it started with an N but that's about it. I rolled my eyes, giving in and telling him my name, since he was so persistent.

"Saph." I said, looking at him straight in the eyes. The vibrant shade of blue taking me by surprise, even through his glasses.

"Is that short for something?" He asked, and it was the first time ever someone was actually bothered to ask me that. Everyone just assumed it stood for Sophia.

"Yeah, actually. It's short for Sapphire." I answered. I couldn't believe I was still talking to him. The weird part was that I actually wanted to keep the conversation going, but I guess I just needed to talk to someone, anyone, for once after so many days of being completely on my own.

"Sapphire, like the gemstone?" He asked, actually showing some interest. I hummed in response.

"That's such a cool name." He smiled, showing his white teeth.

"Thanks." I answered, looking at my hands that were resting on the table. I expected him to leave, but he surprised me yet again when he spoke.

"I wish I had a cool name like that." He said, mostly to himself.

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