48: Countdown

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"I can't believe you guys closed down the bar on New Year's." Claudia chuckled as she took off her coat, handing it to Kristy who offered to take it.

"It might not sound smart, but we thought it'd be more fun to have a party here instead." She contradicted, taking Claudia's sister, Elise's coat as well.

"Oh, I'm not complaining. I'd have this over a crowded bar every day." She chuckled, looking around the few people in here. Kris and I made the decision to invite all our friends over to celebrate the beginning of the new year with them. At first, we thought about having the party at Kris' flat but decided to use the bar instead since it was much more spacious. Not to mention made for having drinks.

Gathered were a few friends we've made since moving to London, but mostly Kris' friends. It's no lie she's a lot more extroverted than me. With around thirty people in the room, we had more than enough guests.

Niall and his band were here as well, since touring was over and they were in the city to work on their second album. Having graduated from Uni last June, he was finally capable to concentrate on his music career fully. His degree proved to be perfect, because he was perfectly capable of producing songs pretty much by himself, allowing this way the band even more creative liberty. As we kept chatting with Claudia, I waved him over with my hand. He smiled at Levi and patted him on the shoulder before approaching us.

"Babe, remember Claudia?" I asked once he was next to me.

"Sure, hey." He smiled, offering a handshake which she accepted.

"Hi, Niall right? You look completely different to what I remember." She joked just as Kris returned from the wardrobe.

"It's the rockstar life. It changed him." She mocked, gaining an eyeroll from him.

"Yeah I stop dying my hair, start going to the gym and suddenly I've changed apparently." He shrugged his shoulders with a sarcastic smile.

"Anyway, my sister here is a big fan of yours." Claudia changed the subject, pulling her sister a bit closer. She was young, maybe too young to even be in here but I was willing to look past that for tonight.

"Oh, sick! Hi, what's your name?" Niall smiled at her, who seemed to have gone shy as she looked down.

"Elise." She nervously smiled, Claudia putting an arm around her shoulder to reassure her.

"She's brought your album along if you could sign it." Claudia informed.

"For sure. Come on, I'll introduce you to the rest of the band." He ushered her to follow him before kissing my cheek and walking away. While I made Claudia her drink I could see Elise chat with the band while they all signed the album and took pictures with her. I've seen all of them interact with fans countless of times but it was still a bit surreal to witness. Niall returned to where we were sat, leaving Elise with the rest of the band for a while. He sat next to me at a table, across from Kristy and Claudia. Kristy had her arm around her, which was endearing to see.

I was so relieved when Kris finally found the courage to ask Claudia out. It didn't take them long to become an official couple. The four of us talked for a while, mostly hearing Niall answer Claudia's curious questions about life on the road. The bell above the door was heard again, the loud voice that followed making everyone turn to it.

"Oi oi, let's get this party started!" Louis entered with a cocky smile, followed closely behind by Liam, Zayn and lastly Harry. I knew they were coming. Niall told me they all accepted our invitations weeks ago. Having not seen them all together in the same room in over three years though had me shocked. Niall, Kristy and I got up to greet them near the entrance.

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