38: Shots

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The persistent rays of the sun creeped through the blinds, creating lines of light to appear on the wall, the floor and the duvet. I looked down at the arm resting around my waist, skin pale and scattered with barely noticeable freckles. The sound of faint breathing coming from behind me made me roll over, lifting his arm up before doing so in an effort to not disrupt him.

Meeting his sleeping face, I broke into a smile before scooting even closed, nuzzling my head into the hollow of his neck as he lied on his side, his arm falling around my shoulders as I wrapped mine around his waist. He hummed quietly, indicating that he was now awake.

"Morning." He murmured, his voice low as it always is in the mornings. His grip around me tightened and he pulled me completely against him. With my face completely into his chest, I placed a chaste kiss on his collarbone, leaving out a content sigh right after.

"Morning lovey." The name came out of my mouth without even a thought. I hadn't planned on using it beforehand. It just happened on its own and it made him chuckle.

"Cute." He commented, rolling onto his back and taking me with him so I'd end up ontop of him.

"Suits you. You're pretty cute too." I smiled, supporting my head up to be able to look down at him. His eyes and his smile both had a drowsy look to them and his cheeks never lost the tinge of light pink, icy blonde hair strands sticking all over the place, unruly and knotted.

"We've been over this. You're cuter." he beamed, bringing his hand up to tuck my hair behind my ear. His hand grazed the skin of my cheekbone in the process, tingles being left behind. I couldn't believe it. We slept together last night, getting as close as humanly possible. Yet, it was touches like this, pure and tender that always made my heart skip a beat.

"I disagree." I teased, leaning down to place small kisses all across his stubbled jawline. He flipped us over in one swift motion, a shriek escaping me as he pinned my hands above my head and pressed his chest against mine, trapping me in place.

"Don't make me mad, baby. We both know what happens when I get mad." He whispered into my ear, his lips ghosting over my skin before he dipped his head down, spreading kisses all over my neck while his hair tickled my jaw. I giggled at the sensation of his hair brushing over my skin, jolting in place a little.

"See? I was right. You're cuter." He chuckled, lifting his head to look at me.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes, pushing him off to get up. I got a shirt and pulled it over my head for some warmth, since I was in just a bra and my underwear.

"And stop looking at my ass." I smirked as I made my way towards the bathroom, being well aware of where his attention would be. I peeked at him as he groaned, falling back into the bed from the seating position he was in.

I got into the bathroom to get ready for the day, brushing my teeth before I tied my hair up and got into the shower. When I was done and back into my room, he was asleep on his stomach again. So I walked to the bed, sitting at the edge of it and shaking him gently by the shoulder.

"Niall, wake up." I nudged him, to which he only groaned in response and shuffled around slightly.

"Come on, bub. We can go get food." I suggested, tracing his bicep with my fingers. His head immediately shot up, his eyes creaking open before he rubbed the sleep off of them with his hand.

"Alright, I'm up." He mumbled, getting off the bed slowly. I laughed at his reaction but I can't say I'm surprised even in the slightest. Within twenty minutes we were in his car and on our way to my favourite diner, which has ended up being our usual spot, eager to get some lunch since it was already noon.

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