41: The Halls

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"Never thought I'd see you study, babe." Niall chuckled before plopping onto my bed next to me, the force of him hitting the mattress causing ripples on it.

"Finals are in two weeks and I gotta pass to finish school, don't I?" I chuckled, my attention on the laptop on my lap as I desperately tried to understand how the physics formula I was staring at worked.

"Need any help?" He asked, sitting up beside me to take a look at what I was so focused on.

"Please." I chuckled, turning the laptop slightly to give him a better view. He studied the screen for a few seconds, pushing his glasses up before he spoke.

"Oh, okay so, Newton's second law works like this." He turned to face me, his expression suddenly serious and concentrated.

"If an object is still and any type of outside force is applied to it, the object will gain movement and accelerate. Remember when I took you golfing?" I nodded, waiting to hear the example he was about to give me.

"The golf ball stays still until you hit it. That's the force that makes it actually move. The force doesn't have to be manmade. It could be a very heavy gust of wind that moved it. The wind wouldn't have made it move as quickly as it would if you hit it yourself. To find the speed in which it would move you have to divide the force applied to the object with how much it weighs." I was supposed to be paying attention to what he was actually attempting to explain, but I ended up just staring at him.

"Makes sense?" He smiled, poking my cheek.

"Mhm. Thanks bub." I placed my hand behind his neck, bringing him closer to me for a quick kiss. His lips pressed on mine gently, beginning a slow movement as he cupped my cheek in his palm, his thumb running over my cheekbone. Slow and tender kisses like this never failed to give me butterflies and they always reminded me that our connection was much deeper than just physical attraction.

"Happy to help, gem." He broke the kiss, bringing me into his embrace and pressing his lips on my forehead. There was a knock at my door and by the pattern of it I knew it was Cameron. He had the tendency to always knock in a specific rhythm.

"Come in Cam." I shouted, closing the laptop and tossing it onto the duvet. He came in and closed the door behind him, yawning widely.

"Hey." He dragged himself to the chair at my desk and slumped into it.

"What's up?" Niall chuckled, swinging his arm over my shoulder as I turned to face Cameron.

"Ugh, I'm so bored. Let's go somewhere." He whined, which I found quite amusing. At the start of the year, I never expected I'd be so close to my bother again. The past seven months after the accident though, we've managed to significantly repair our relationship to the point where I'd consider him my friend.

"Sure, let's go to Cardiff Bay." Niall instantly offered, pecking my cheek before getting off the bed to put his shoes on. Lately, it's not unusual for the three of us to go out together. Niall and Cameron got along great, making it hard to believe that they didn't even talk to eachother in the beginning.

"Can we get ice cream?" I negotiated, getting up to get ready.

"Whatever my girl wants." Niall grinned, coming over to kiss me briefly. Cameron made a loud gagging sound, acting as if he was about to throw up.

"Jealous much?" I mocked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I'll let you know I have a date tomorrow. His name's Bryson." He proudly smiled, getting off the chair.

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