15: Attention

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"Finally! This stupid PowerPoint was the death of me." I groaned as I hit save for the last time.

"Look at the bright side, we're finally done and it only took us four hours." Niall cheered, nudging my shoulder with his as we both laid in my bed on our stomachs.

"Yeah, four today and three yesterday." I chuckled.

"But we're done, meaning we can enjoy our Sunday in peace." He smiled, closing his laptop and rolling onto his side to look at me.

"Hurray." I mockingly cheered, not looking forward to another night stuck at home by myself. For a brief moment I thought of asking him to spend time with me tomorrow, but I quickly dismissed that thought. It would be weird if I asked him, right?

"And then Monday will roll around again." He sighed, pushing his hand through his messy hair.

"I know how the week goes, thanks." I snickered as I rolled on my side to face him.

"I'm glad we managed to pull through with the essay and the presentation so quickly. We make a great team." He smiled.

"I'm actually surprised we managed to split the work so well." I admitted as I laid on my back and looked at the ceiling. Last time I was like that with him next to me, I broke down crying. But that was in the past and I had gotten everything I was holding back out of my system.

"I'm surprised you actually wanted to help. I didn't think you'd actually be interested in doing homework since you've barely paid any attention to class all year."

"I should be offended, but I'll let it slide." I answered him with a chuckle.

"Could it be... Sapphire Hall actually likes another human being?" He snickered, pretending to be deep in thought. I smacked his chest, making a small yelp come out of his mouth.

"Jeez, no need to get so violent." He laughed as he rubbed the spot I hit.

"Oh grow up." I laughed and snatched his glasses off his face and put them on, instantly regretting opening my eyes to try and see through the thick glass.

"How the hell can you see in these?" I mocked as he laughed at my desperate attempt to open my eyes.

"I actually can't really see without them, so give them back." He said and tried getting them back before I blocked his hand with mine.

"Saph, come on." He laughed and tried again by scooting closer to me. I pulled them farther and farther away from him as he tried getting them back with no success and I laughed at his failed attempts. That was until he rolled completely ontop of me, managing to snatch them out of my hand as I stared at him in shock at the realisation that his body was pressed onto mine. He didn't seem to notice what he did as he rolled onto his back again and put the glasses back on.

I was so different around him. I was fun and playful. I made jokes and I didn't hold back my laughter when I heard one back. As much as I didn't want to admit it, I liked this version of myself that he managed to bring into the light.

"Well, it's pretty late. I should leave." He smiled and got off the bed, the sudden absence of his body next to mine leaving me with a sense of coldness.

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