31: The Plan

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That night was one of the worst nights of my life. Not because I couldn't sleep, but because whenever I'd close my eyes, my imagination would instantly travel back to him and the moments we've spent together, only to be disappointed when I'd wake up. Everytime I'd feel a movement, I'd dart my head expecting to see Niall sleeping peacefully next to me. But it was only just Kristy. I was so grateful she managed to come here and was willing to drop everything for me, but at the end of the day what I needed most was to get lost into Niall's arms, breathing in his scent while he clung onto me during his slumber.

I tried calling him yesterday but he didn't answer, like I expected. Louis hadn't called me to update me, and that probably meant that he couldn't get ahold of Niall either. Kristy told me not to worry about it, that he would probably call within the day and be willing to talk, but she didn't see how he looked at me when he left.

When Kristy arrived yesterday, she was furious at what Blake could've possibly done. Seeing as she assumed that he had gotten the breakup text too, she guessed that the reason he returned was to forcefully get me back. Needless to say she could've never guessed what actually happened.

Blake was a lot of things, but physically abusive was never one of those things. He was however selfish, stubborn and a narcissist. He had the mindset that everything revolved around him, and that everyone should just follow along to what he said or wanted. So when he realised that what he considered 'his' was no longer his, he was bound to act out. I couldn't even dare think what would've happened if Louis and Zayn hadn't showed up, and Kristy knew I was always a bit scared of the way he would react, thus why I always complied to whatever he wanted.

"That asshole." She had muttered when I told her that he showed up at my school. When she arrived yesterday, she was shocked to find that Niall wasn't with me, and I had a constant lump in my throat while I tried listing everything that happened.

"He never got the text, Kris. He told Niall he's my boyfriend." Was the first thing I said to her when she entered my house, making her jaw drop as she realised what that meant for Niall and I before she hugged me tightly, letting me to continue crying into her neck before we went back into my room. For the rest of the evening, she let me do most of the talking, explaining every tiny detail of everything and rambling about the whole situation.

"Come on, Saph. You can't just stay in bed all day." Kristy whined, breaking me out of my half asleep state as she pulled the covers off of me.

"Why not?" I groaned, rubbing my face with my hands before I looked up at her.

"Because you have to get your man back." She sighed, rolling her eyes as she pulled me by my arm to make me sit up.

"He's not my man anymore, Kris. He probably hates me." I complained, taking a deep breath. I shivered a little from the absence of the covers on me and got up, making my way to my dresser to find something to wear over the tank top I slept in. My eyes immediately landed on a navy blue hoodie, the white logo peeking barely from the folds as it was tucked between the rest of my clothes.

"Bullshit. You just need to talk to him and I'm sure you'll be back to skipping across a flower field in no time." She joked, laughing to herself. I didn't pay her any attention. I pulled the hoodie out of my drawer, bringing it up to smell it. It was freshly washed, but his scent still lingered on the cotton fabric slightly. Without even a second thought, I unfolded it and pulled it over my head, feeling comfort once I was engulfed in the warmth of the fuzzy fabric and the familiar aroma stuck onto it. It was the closest I could get to being with him at that moment, and it was exactly what I needed to make me feel a tiny bit better.

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