12: Assignment

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"Come on, it's getting dark. I'll drive you home." I offered to her, not really sure how to act around her after what just happened. I held the door open, making sure to leave enough room for her to step out.

She slid out of the seat and stood infront of me, looking right into my eyes with an unreadable expression. The flecks of blue mixed in the hazel of her eyes made me wonder if that is how she got her name. Her fair skin looked like it was made from porcelain, flawless and fragile with a slight pink tint. A few stray blue strands framed her face perfectly, brown roots peeking out at her hairline.

I couldn't tear my gaze from her. I couldn't explain it, but I was so intrigued by her from the moment I met her. But no matter what I did, I couldn't crack her code. She was always so cold towards me, avoiding sentences longer than five words no matter what I asked her.

I thought we were past that after spending all this time together today, especially since she was the one to initiate it. To say I was shocked when she came up to me would be an understatement, and getting to spend time alone with her away from everything and everyone was something I didn't know how much I wanted until she asked me to.

She kept looking at me while I kept looking at her, the intensity of her stare bringing a sense of warmth to me, even though her attitude was far from that.

I wanted to kiss her. I don't know why, but I wanted to kiss her so fucking bad.

I glanced at her plump pinky lips, contemplating if I should do it, but before I could even move a muscle, she walked past me and around the other side of the car.

My own desire confused the hell out of me when I realised what I almost did. The need to feel her lips on mine was so sudden, it hit me like a brick.

Up until the moment I saw her climb onto a motorbike with someone else, I was confident that the only reason I was so drawn to her was because of how bad I felt seeing her sad and alone all the time. Needless to say I wasn't so sure about that anymore. My mind unintentionally and immediately went to one thought.

Is he her boyfriend?

The sudden rush of jealousy that coursed through me as I saw her disappear with him was enough of an indication to prove to me that I was lying to myself, and it all made sense when I found myself desperate for her kiss.

But she shrugged me off before I got the chance to do anything. The entire drive back to her house I was too scared to look at her, nervous that she could somehow read my mind if she got the chance to look into my eyes again. She was so distant the whole way back, I was anxious that I wouldn't get to be so close to her ever again.


My fears were close to coming true. I didn't see her at all on Wednesday, and even though I managed to catch a glimpse of her from afar on Thursday morning, she didn't seem to acknowledge that I was waving at her. As much as I wanted to believe it was because she just simply didn't see me, I had a gut wrenching feeling that she chose to ignore me.

The whole school was buzzing with excitement for the weekend, but I was too focused on the fact that Biology class was just a few minutes away. The loud ringing of the bell made my breath hitch and I knew that there was no way out of this. I would have to face her. That is if she hadn't decided to ditch the class completely.

When I saw her walk through the door from across the room I didn't know if I should feel relief that she decided to show up or be embarrassed. She took the chair next to me and I couldn't find the strength to even look up at her. I had a lump in my throat and I knew that if I tried to speak my voice would crack, so I opted for a short glance and a quick smile as a greeting before turning my attention to the teacher, pretending to listen to her while in reality my full attention was on Sapphire, watching her from the corner of my eye secretly.

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