7: Patience

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After standing on the pavement infront of my house for a couple of minutes, I finally saw Kristy's old red Nissan turn the corner. She honked to get my attention and I quickly got into the passenger seat while the car was technically still moving. The moment I closed the door, she accelerated and I put on my seatbelt.

"Finally, I'm back. I really needed a fucking break." She dramatically said, turning down the loud music coming from the radio.

"What happened now?" I rolled my eyes at her, knowing oh so well how over the top she can be sometimes.

"Nothing. That's the problem. I go to the same job everyday, forced to deal with every type of asshole customers, and for what?" She complained.

"Well if you had just stayed in school, then maybe your parents wouldn't have made you get a job." I snickered at her and she threw me a glare. Her green eyes glimmering in the sun.

"Oh, please, like you wouldn't get out of that shit show in a heartbeat if it weren't for your parents." She shook her head and chuckled. Her long black hair fell effortlessly over her right shoulder.

"You're right, but then again, I don't have an option, do I?" I sighed in defeat and stared out the window, at the houses passing by. 

"Why not? It's not like they care as you always say."

"I really don't wanna find out if they care about that or not. I'd rather just suck it up and wait for year 13 to be done with." I shook my head at the realisation that this was my last year in high school, and my best friend doesn't even live in the same town anymore.

"Thank God for that! Then we can both get away from everything and everyone and move in together on the other side of the country." She excitedly said. We've been talking about doing that for years.

"I'm not sure about that. What about Blake?" She sharply turned her head towards me, a look of disbelief taking over her eyes.

"You can't be serious right? You're gonna choose him over me?" She averted her eyes back on the road, but it was obvious by the tone of her voice that she was annoyed.

"I'm not picking him! I just... He's my boyfriend Kris. I can't just leave him behind." I sighed in defeat.

"Really? When's the last time you talked to him again?" She snickered, well aware of the fact that I haven't heard from him all week. I had nothing to respond, so I stayed silent.

"That's what I thought. I can't believe you're still with him. He always does this. He acts like he's not even your boyfriend anymore. When was the last time he actually did something nice for you?" She was practically shouting out of annoyance at this point.

"But I-"

"Don't you fucking dare say you love him, Saph. You're just dependent on him." She glared at me, her green eyes were slightly darker and her thick eyebrows scrunched in anger.

"Maybe if you haven't left me all alone I wouldn't need him! It's your fault!" I retaliated, looking out the window again as I rested my head against it. The atmosphere felt dense, and I immediately regretted saying what I said.

She had no say when her parents decided to move out of town, and I knew how much it hurt her to leave me behind. She didn't say anything. We stayed silent until we reached the car park of our favourite diner for lunch.

"Come on, I'm craving some chicken tenders." She gave me a small smile, trying to look past our little argument. I nodded and followed her out of the car and into the small building.

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