39: All Yours

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"What the hell, Saph? Where've you been?" Blake was pissed, but was trying to seem calm. Still, he made sure to keep a firm grip on me, making it near impossible to break out of it.

"Are you out of your mind?" I scoffed, attempting to push him back by pressing my hands on his chest with no success. He leaned in closer, my throat drying up as I could smell the cigarettes from his breath from the close proximity, making me feel sick in my stomach.

"Baby." He's never called me that in his life.

"Come to your senses. You can't possibly mean everything you said." He was slurring his words, a good indication that he was either drunk or high. I always had trouble telling those two apart.

"I meant it, Blake. Please just-" I tried pushing him again, harder this time but he wouldn't move. He pressed his chest against me, making sure that whatever free reign of movement I still had was now taken away.

"No, you don't mean it Saph. You're just acting out because I was gone. But I won't do that again. I'll take you with me." His voice was low and calm, something very rare for him. I tried sliding away, but he stopped me from doing that too.

"Let me go!" I retorted, hitting his chest with my fists. He gripped both my wrists, pinning my hands above my head. I was starting to sweat, breath shaky and uneven, fear overtaking me. He tried to kiss me, but I turned my head in time. That didn't stop him from kissing my cheek instead. I desperately looked around the busy room, hoping that someone would take notice of what was happening.

His cold lips make contact with the skin of my neck and I made another failed attempt to get out of his grip. I finally had enough when he pressed his entire body against me, his hand squeezing my bum. I kneed him in the crotch, a grunt escaping him as he bent in half, letting go of my wrists.

"Get off!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, pushing him back with all the strength I could find within my self. He barely stumbled, composing himself from my first hit and glaring at me. If he wasn't mad before, he definitely was now.

"See, I was trying to be nice, but then you go and do that." He almost growled, stomping back towards me. Before he could get a grip on me again, he was pulled away by the back of his jacket.

"She said get off!" Niall stood infront of me, towering over Blake and I could finally breathe normally again.

"Not this kid again, Saph. You can't be serious." Blake sneered, my blood boiling with aggravation towards him. Niall pushed him back, creating more distance from me and stared him down. It was clear Blake wasn't expecting Niall to actually shove him, since last time they ran into eachother Niall got up and left, leaving me alone with him. I knew he still regretted leaving me there to this day, no matter how much I tried to reassure him it was understandable.

"Listen up. You're either gonna leave on your own or I'm gonna have to throw you out." Niall's tone was harsh, threatening and for the first time, even intimidating. His accent thick and his face red, jaw clenched and eyebrows scrunched together in anger. Blake was not one to get intimidated easily so I was not surprised when he laughed in return.

"Like you could stand a chance against me." He taunted, standing his ground and getting into Niall's space, their faces inches apart as they glared at eachother.

"Try me, asshole." Niall challenged, not backing down either. Blake studied him carefully and I knew he was preparing himself to strike. Worried that he might actually hurt Niall, I squeezed between them, pushing Niall away from him before anything happened.

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