One Shot Special: Detention

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English class was brutally, unbearably, inescapably boring. The literary subjects were definitely not my strong point by a long shot. I tended to excel in more scientific subjects, which honestly interested me a lot more than having to hear about the fascinating -not really- lives of one of Henry the 8th's wives or being forced to analyze for what felt like the one hundredth time what would have happened if Romeo and Juliet hadn't taken poison and so idiotically died together.

Managing to pay proper attention as Mr. Hefley taught his class was slowly proving to be a task near impossible for me today. Instead, I imagined all the other classes I'd rather be in. Music class would be fun. I actually got along with some of the people in that one, something that couldn't be said for the majority of the rest of my classes. There was this guy, Jerry. He played the tuba. He was pretty cool. Gym would be a good alternative too. Even though I'm not that much of a fan of exercise, I'd at least get to spend time with four of my closest friends. Louis and Zayn would most likely snatch a football in secret, Liam would scold them for it and Harry would just make fun of him for always being so responsible. We'd spend half the class kicking that around.

But the most beckoning option was Biology class, which I annoyingly didn't have today seeing as it was Wednesday. Biology as a subject was most likely one of my best ones, easy to follow and understand unlike English. But I'd be lying if I said the reason that specific class would be my top pick to be in right now was how good I was at it. No. The only reason for that was who I had sitting beside me in that classroom.

The girl with the vibrant blue hair I've been secretly observing for months may had not even spared me a glance back then, but now she had become such an important part of my life. All I wanted when I'd watch her curled up in her corner was shelter her, protect her from whatever it was that had her be so closed off and hostile. That was the reason I had tried to break through her walls and gain her trust. I wasn't aiming for her to become my girlfriend, but I secretly did wish she would. And I got my wish, something that was still so surreal to me. Saph had been my girlfriend for only a couple of days, which baffled me and excited me all at the same time.

I hadn't seen her at all today. I didn't get to pick her up and drive to school with her beside me like promised, being stupid and forgetting all about setting an alarm last night. It was only until she called me the usual time I'd be outside her house I had realised what happened. She only laughed it off once she realised I was still half asleep, mocking me about being late for school before she reassured me she'd find another way to get here. I got to my first class for the day twenty minutes late, but I was thankfully just scolded by my Chemistry teacher before she allowed me to attend the rest of the class. Three classes later, I still hadn't managed to catch a glimpse of her around the school corridors. Though I rarely ever managed to do that in the first place. I sometimes wondered to myself if her whole existence was just a figment of my imagination.

"Mr. Horan, are you still with us?" The calling of my name had all my thoughts crashing down, forcing me to realise what was happening around me. Wide eyed, I tore my gaze from the old world map it had accidentally landed on and turned to face Mr. Hefley, one of his grey eyebrows raised from behind the thin frames of his glasses. The quiet tittering of students around me had my cheeks burning red in seconds as I sank into my seat. I was at least glad this classroom had desks that only fit one person, providing me with some personal space.

"Yes, I-I'm sorry." My voice wavered as I dropped my gaze to my hands, fidgeting with a pen over my notes. The girl sat at the seat right in front of me turned around with a sly grin on her tanned face.

"Careful, might drop from an A plus to just an A." She sounded so proud of herself, like she had found the most creative insult known to man. She flipped her hair as she turned back around, the ends of it falling behind her chair and landing at the edge of my desk.

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