29: Penalty

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"Why did we agree to this?" I wondered out loud as Kristy and I settled onto the bleachers of the small football court.

"Because we get to see five hot guys playing football." She answered, making it sound so obvious like I shouldn't even be asking in the first place.

"I'd rather still be in my bed." I grumbled, placing a hand on my cramping abdomen. Periods are the worst part about being a woman, and I spent most of mine curled up in a ball in bed. With that said, I wasn't really that happy to be outside in the cold air on Sunday morning when I could've been under my warm covers.

"Oh, come on. Like you don't wanna see your boyfriend run around the field all flustered and sweaty." She mocked, rolling her eyes at me.

"Not when I can't do anything about it." I scoffed and turned to look at Niall and his friends a few meters away as they stretched and warmed up for their game. There were a couple other groups of people scattered around the court and in my understanding, they had made plans to all play against eachother.

"Stop complaining and just enjoy the view." She chuckled and rolled her eyes at me.

"Fine." I scoffed and crossed my arms, turning my full attention to Niall, who sent us a wave from far away. Kris was right, I did wanna see him play football. He looked so good in his green Jersey as he juggled the checkered ball around. But it was frustrating to have him look like that, knowing that I couldn't actually do what I've been imagining of doing since they started warming up.

Needless to say that neither me, nor Kris really understood what was going on for the duration of the game. That didn't stop us from standing up the entire time, cheering and shouting, seeing as the group that was currently playing them had also brought along a few girls to cheer for them. Kristy of course took that as a challenge as to who could be more supportive, us or the three girls that were there for the boys' five opponents. The third group that was waiting on the sidelines to play the winners consisted of four guys, all accompanied by what I could only assume were their girlfriends, and they all chimed into the screaming and cheering, making it all sound like there was a full blown crowd in the court when in reality it was just 13 people on the bleachers.

Niall was the goal keeper for most of the game, but my excitement shot through the roof when I saw him give the gloves to Liam and run to the right front of the field, mirroring Louis. Harry took Liam's spot in defense, across from Zayn who played the same spot the entire game like Louis.

"Your man's about to play offence, better buckle up." Kristy mocked when she saw the way I reacted to all this. I've seen my fair share of football games and I never was one to care about any of it up until now, and Kristy clearly found my sudden fascination amusing. I ignored her completely and locked my eyes on one person and one person only.

The ball was in the control of the other team, as a player dribbled his way through Louis and headed for the net, being closely followed by Zayn, who managed to get in his way and shoot the ball to Liam. He caught it and ran a little forward, shouting something to Louis before he threw it to Harry. He was quick to react, dodging the guy that tried to steal it and quickly passed it to Niall, making me grip Kristy's hand due to the suspense of what could happen next. She laughed at me, but I glared at her and ignored her.

Niall started running, dribbling the ball between his feet towards the opponents' goalie, with Louis running alongside him on the other side of the court. Just when he passed the halfway line into the other group's space, a tall brunette got in his way, trying to steal the ball from him. Niall faked going left, doing a one-eighty turn and seizing the distraction he managed to cause to kick the ball high in the air and towards Louis, who jumped and stopped it with his chest.

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