50: She

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"Saph? I'm home!" I shouted as I pushed the wooden front door open, closing it quickly behind me to not trigger the alarm. The flat seemed to be empty, lights out and silence all around. It didn't make sense, because it was definitely too early for Saph to be at the bar. I set my bags by the door and looked around the living room, an orange balloon floating over the coffee table capturing my attention.

"Saph?" I called again, but no response. I furrowed my eyebrows and went to the table, following the string of the balloon with my eyes. The end of it was tied around a blue box, a piece of paper saying 'Open Me' stuck to it. I looked around again, trying to find any indication that she was home but nothing. I sat on the sofa and took the box in my hands. I was expecting it to be heavier than what it was. I shook it a bit, the rattling sound heard from the inside not helping me understand what it contained.

I pulled on the string and undid it, the balloon floating towards the ceiling. I don't know why, but I was starting to feel a bit nervous. I cautiously opened the box, completely unprepared for what I was about to face. The first thing was a card with a yellow heart on the outside, so I took it out. What laid beneath had me almost drop everything I was holding.

Two pregnancy tests, both with the word Positive on them and a sonogram picture below it. I took everything out, holding both the tests in one hand and the picture in the other. It was nothing but a small dot, but the realisation of what it would be soon had me ready to break down in tears of joy.

"Read the card." I heard her speak from behind me, startling me. I turned around and saw her at the archway of the kitchen, a nervous smile on her face. I did as she asked, setting everything on the table and picking the card back up.

Welcome home daddy.

That was the last thing I needed for the tears to fall. It was like the confirmation that this was actually real and not just a dream. The card dropped from my hand and the onto the wooden floor as I stood to my feet, turning around to face her.

"Is this for real?" I questioned, slowly making my way around the sofa to meet her. She nodded, her nerves still present as I approached her.

"We're gonna be parents?" I stood in front of her, breaking into a wide smile as tears started staining my cheeks. She finally seemed to relax, letting out a heavy breath of relief before nodding, smiling back.

"We're gonna be parents Ni." She confirmed teary eyed, cradling my face in her small hands and wiping under my eyes with her thumbs, dislocating my glasses in the process. I wanted to squeeze her against me and spin her around until we were both dizzy, but I decided against it. So I just kissed her, like I've never kissed her a million times before. Holding her face in my hands, I squeezed my eyes shut during the kiss. I never thought a box could grant me such happiness.

"I'm so excited gem. I love you so much." I muttered against her lips, my words being muffled from the kiss. She pulled away just barely, the hazel of her big round eyes captivating me like it always did as she let her arms wrap around my neck.

"I love you too bub." She smiled, and I knew I was finally home. I went down to my knees, bringing my face level to her tummy. There was a tiny bump, but it was barely noticeable unless you knew it was there.

"And I love you little bean." I talked to the bump, making her throw her head back and laugh.

"She can't hear you." My eyes widened at that as I looked up at Saph again.

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