53: Try Hard

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"Bertha." I muttered, my feet moving on their own and leading me to the table she was sat. The chairs around her were empty, only two girls sat at the other side of the table. But I paid them no attention, going directly to the old woman. She looked up at me, a weak smile forming on her face, which was even more wrinkled with age than what I remembered.

"Congratulations my darlings. I knew, you'd make it." She stood up, her attire an all black pantsuit. She opened her arms to welcome me in a hug that I instantly accepted.

"Bertha, I can't believe you made it." I chuckled, stepping aside when I realised Niall was right behind me. Having her attend was surreal. Managing to find her and track her down to send her the invitation was very challenging and I honestly thought she wouldn't even remember us.

"Oh, I wouldn't miss your wedding for the world. Who's this pretty girl?" She cooed at Maeve, who shyly hid her face in her father's neck.

"Maeve, say hi!" Niall cooed, taking her tiny little hand to wave it to Bertha.

"Oh Niall she's got your eyes." She commented, giving him a quick side hug.

"Thanks for coming." He smiled at her warmly. I looked at the chair next to her expecting to find a suit jacket of her husband, but there was nothing.

"Where's Howard?" From the way her smile dropped, I could tell the answer would not be good. She sat back down, gulping quietly and I sat on the chair next to her, pulling it out to face her and take both her hands in mine.

"He died five months ago." She revealed, her words pulling at my heart strings so much I felt like they would tear.

"I'm sorry." I muttered, giving her hands a gentle squeeze. Niall was stood on the side of us, placing his hand on her shoulder.

"Don't be. It was for the better. He was in the hospital for almost a year." She forced a smile, patting Niall's hand on her shoulder before he pulled it away.

"It's a shame. We'd love to see him after all those years." He sighed, his lips pressed in a line.

"And he'd love to see you two kids get married. Him and I both believed you'd last. We could see ourselves in you." She let her hand back on top of mine, sighing deeply. I remember the day I met them in that wedding my father forced us to attend like it was yesterday. Though her hair was brown back then.

"Did you dye your hair back to pink for him?" I questioned, watching her eyes become watery. She softly nodded, her gaze dropping to our hands on her lap.

"It was his last wish, to see me in the way he first met me. He loved the crazy hair and I regret not keeping it for him, instead letting bad mouthing get to me." She seemed disappointed in herself, but I understood exactly how she felt.

"People's opinions can get overwhelming sometimes." I attempted to reassure her with a soft smile. She nodded, looking between the both of us.

"Never change who you are for others. And make sure you make the most of your life. Howard and I were lucky enough to have a fulfilling, happy life. He had no regrets when he left." She weakly smiled back, giving my hands a final squeeze before letting go. She stood up, swinging her purse over her shoulder and extending her arms to welcome me in another hug.

"Remember to always love eachother." She whispered to the both of us as she embraced me for the last time. I took Maeve from Niall, allowing him to hug her properly this time. She did fuss a bit that I pulled her away from her father, but that was something I was used to.

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