24: Reception

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The wedding ceremony was exactly as I expected it to be. The room was decked out in flowers, draped fabric in pastel colours, twinkle lights and rose petals across the isle. We were sat in the third row, close to the bride's father since my parents claimed he was such a good friend of theirs. I was sat between Niall and Serena while Cameron was sat next to my mother. Neither him nor his date showed any interest throughout the ceremony as they both had their phones out.

I wasn't interested in the slightest either, but I thought I should at least pretend to pay attention to the couple that stood under the wooden wedding arch. It was a very important day for them, even if it meant nothing to me and I thought I should at least respect that. As they started exchanging their vows, I leaned my head on Niall's shoulder, my action making him give my hand a light squeeze as he ran his thumb over my knuckles. I let out a relaxed sigh, feeling content that he was with me during this boring ceremony that seemed to go on for longer than it was supposed to.

Niall brought his free hand up to my cheek, running the knuckles of his fingers on my skin before he lifted my head by holding onto my chin. He softly pressed his lips against mine just for a split second, making my heart flutter before he let go, shuffling slightly in his seat to give me better access to his shoulder as I leaned on it again. We stayed like that for the rest of the ceremony and I honestly didn't care how long it would take for it to be over. As long as I could stay like that with him I was happy. But of course it had to end at some point.

Relieved that the ceremony was over, we were led to a large room where the reception would take place, and I stood behind my parents as they gave their names to the receptionist that held a list in his hands. He intently searched for our name and smiled brightly at us when he spotted it before requesting for us to follow him into the enormous ballroom.

As we walked, Niall placed his hand at the small of my back, which was exposed due to the design of the dress. The sensation of his palm against my bare back sent a shiver down my spine and goosebumps up my skin. I couldn't understand how he managed to have that effect on me even from the slightest touch, without even realising it himself.

We were led to a large round table, draped with a white tablecloth, a tag with the number thirteen and a lantern in the middle of it, a bunch of different types of flowers scattered all around it to add to the décor. This time, Cameron was the one to sit next to me, on my left while Niall pulled the chair at my right. Before he took his seat, he leaned over the table and picked up a white gardenia flower. He sat down and held it infront of me.

"A flower for my flower." He grinned as he offered it to me. I smiled and accepted it, rolling my eyes at him slightly.

"You're such a dork." I joked, bringing the flower to my nose to smell it. The scent was amazing, and I decided I would keep this flower and press it in a book to try and preserve it, since it was the first flower he's ever given to me. Heck, it was the first flower anyone has ever given to me. He chuckled at my comment and leaned in to kiss my cheek. My parents had already left the table, and I spotted them a few tables away, already chatting with the friend that invited us here.

They soon made their way back to us and my mum motioned for all of us to stand up, meaning they they probably were about to introduce us to him. We all did as we were instructed, and my parents brought their friend over excitedly.

"Everyone, I'd like you to meet Mr. Paul Hudson." My father spoke in a serious tone, like we were in a business meeting. Normally, I would scoff at him, but I knew better than to do that infront of a person he worked for.

"This is our son Cameron and our daughter Sapphire." My mother beamed as we both shook the brunette man's hand. He didn't look a day over fourty, and he had visible smile lines and crinkles by his brown eyes.

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