Chapter 1- The Library

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      I will not pass this exam.
      I'm beginning to get a headache from all of this studying. The Herbology exam is in two days and I am definitely not ready. I look away from my flash cards and glance around the library. There's a few people here, but not many, so it's quite quiet.
      I rub my thumb against the thick paper in my hands. I read the words on the card out loud, "Gillyweed is used for..." I pause and think silently, "Healing wounds?" I ask myself.
      Before I can flip the card over, a soft voice comes from behind one of the bookshelves, "Actually, Dittany is used for that. Gillyweed is used for breathing underwater."
      I look up and towards where the voice was coming from, "E-Excuse me?" I say to the mysterious voice.
      Slowly, Neville walked around the corner, "S-Sorry, I didn't mean to correct you." He curled his lips in, pressing them against his teeth, "At least not out loud."
      I sigh, "Oh, no, it's okay. It's fine." I can feel myself blushing. I break eye contact as he smiles at me. I look at the table I'm sitting at and slightly smile, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.
      He nodded, "What are you working on?" He asked me, stepping closer to me.
      Please stop. I told him inside my head. I don't want him to walk any closer to me because I'm afraid that I'm going to explode with infatuation, "I- Um"
      He stepped even closer to me and reached for my flash cards, "C-Can I see?" He asked me. I handed the cards to him and he read the ink on them, "Herbology?"
      I nod, "Um, yeah. I have an exam in two days." He's the same age as you, "Which, you most likely already know."
      He chuckled lightly, "Yeah, I do." He handed my cards back to me.
      I put them in a stack on the table, "Yeah, um, I'm going to fail." I rub my eyes with the tips of my fingers.
      He shook his head and kneeled next to me, "Don't say that." he looked into my eyes. He reached his hand out to touch mine, but hesitated and pulled it back, "I-I can help you."
      I looked down at him with a flustered expression, "You can?"
      He licked his lips, "Yeah. I can. I will."
      Don't panic. I tell myself, "How?"
      He stood back up to his feet, "Come to the Black Lake before dinner. W-We'll look at the plants on the, on the lake floor."
      "What about the Army?" I remind him about Dumbledore's Army.
      He looked around the library to see who was around us, "I-I thinks it'll be f-fine if we miss one day."
      I grabbed my stuff and stood up. I nod in agreement, "Thanks, Nev."
      We both grinned at each other, "Y-You're welcome. Black Lake before dinner."
      I nod rapidly, "It's a date." I regret that as soon as it comes out of my mouth, "N-No. Not a date. That's not what I meant." I start to walk backwards and bump into the chair I was sitting in, "I mean, I meant," I look behind me, panicking, "I-I gotta go. P-Potions."
      He raised his hand and said, "See you later."
      I turn around and speed out of the library, heading to Potions class.
      Black Lake before dinner.

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