Chapter 13- Lunch

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I step through the doors of the Great Hall. Neville and everybody else are standing there waiting for me.
I ran and wrapped my arms around Neville.
"What did you get?" Everybody asked.
I let go of him and smiled, "100%!" I yelled.
All of my friends clapped and cheered. Neville smiled at me, "I told you that you could do it."
"I know." I said, pulling his note out, "Thank you."
      "Here, sit." Neville said, pointing at the seat next to him.
      I sat down and he did the same to the right of me. Everybody else sat around us. The twins sat across from me, Ginny sat next to me. Hermione sat across from Neville. Dean and Seamus sat across from each other to the right of Neville.
      I looked to Ginny's left and saw Ron and Harry sitting across from each other.
      "Ginny." I whispered, nudging her with my elbow.
      She glared at me, "Shut up."
      I laugh as the food appeared on the table. We all grabbed our fair share of meats and vegetables.
      I turn to Neville, "So, when were you gonna tell me that you stole a Sunflower from the greenhouse?"
      He paused, nearly choking on his food, "W-What? How did you know?"
      "Professor Sprout mentioned a missing Sunflower." I giggled, popping a grape into my mouth.
      "Is that where that flower came from?" Hermione asked.
      I nodded. Wood walked past me, "Quidditch." He said.
      I turned around, his back was to me, so I threw one of my grapes at the back of his head.
      "Blimey, y/n." He kicked the grape that was sitting on the floor, "What was that for?"
      "You already reminded me while I was studying." I glared at him, "You didn't need to do it again."
      He rolled his eyes and walked away. I turned back to my food, "Blimey." I whispered under my breath.
      Everybody quietly ate. I looked across the table at the twins. There hands looked even worse than they did yesterday.
      "Take a picture." Fred said.
      George grinned, "We can bring Collin over for you."
      I shook my head, "Come with me to the greenhouse before Quidditch."
      "Greenhouse?" They looked at each other.
      "We have a greenhouse?" George asked.
      I felt my jaw drop, "Guys. You've been here for six years and you didn't know that there was a greenhouse?"
      "Mhm." Fred admitted, mouth full of food.
      "How are you two not expelled?" I asked, smiling.
      "That is a fantastic question." George nodded.
      Ten minutes had passed, "When is the Quidditch match?"
      "Right after lunch." Harry informed me.
      "Oh!" I stood up, "We need to go to the greenhouse. Now."
      "Why now?" Neville asked innocently.
      I looked down at him, "Because otherwise we'll be late for Quidditch." I explained.
      The twins stood up and started walking to the door, "Well, come on, then."
      I went after them. I turned around at my friends, "I'll see you all later."
      Before any of them could say anything, the boys and I were out the door.

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