Chapter 12- The Herbology Exam

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      I opened the greenhouse door, "Professor Sprout?" I called out.
      "Over here, Dear." She yelled back.
      I looked over the plants and saw Professor Sprout standing next to the Sunflowers.
      I reached up to my necklace and touched the Sunflower pendant. I walked over to her calmly, "May I ask what you're doing?"
      She put her gloved hands on her hips, "There were five Sunflowers here two days ago. There's only four of them now." She turned and looked at me, "I don't know what happened to the other one."
      I tried to hide my smile, "Yeah, that's strange." I cleared my throat, "Well, I'm here to take the exam."
      "Oh, right."  She reached into her trench coat and grabbed her wand, "Present your book to me."
      I opened my notebook for her and she cast a spell, making the questions appear on the parchment.
      "You can do it right here." She smiled, "I'll be over there." She pointed to a different area.
      "Thank you." I said, taking out my quill.

      Fifteen minutes had passed since I started the exam, "Professor? I believe I'm finished."
      "Great." She wobbled over to me and took the notebook to grade my exam, "This may take a few minutes, Dear."
      "That's fine." I told her.
      Ten minutes passed, "Alrighty." She said, handing it back.
      I widen my eyes, "What did I score?"

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