Chapter 5- The Common Rooms

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      The twins and I walk out of the Great Hall. While I walk towards the moving stairs, they walk the opposite direction.
      "Where are you going?" I stopped and asked them.
      "We're going to prank Snape." Fred whispered.
      "Oh dear Lord." I said, "Don't get it trouble!" I tell them.
      "Way ahead of you." George said back.
      Oh boy. I continue to walk up to the Common Room.
      As I'm walking, and the stairs are moving, I'm getting bumped and shoved by a bunch of different kids. Mostly Slytherin.
      When I get to the Fat Lady, nobody else is there, so they must be inside already, "Caput Draconis."
      "Do you wanna hear a joke?" The Fat Lady asked.
      She began her joke, but I tried to talk over her, "Caput Draconis." I tried again.
      She still didn't open the door to the Common Room, "How about another joke?"
      She started but I thought that the only solution would be to listen to her.
      "Caput Draconis!" I heard from behind me. I turned around and Neville was standing right behind me by about three inches.
      The Fat Lady rolled her eyes, "Fine." She opened the door and let us inside.
      "Thanks, Nev." I thanked him.
      He nodded, "Y-You're welcome."
      He started walking to his dorm, but I stopped him, "Neville, wait." He stopped and turned around to look at me, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry if I made you upset earlier. I didn't mean to, I was just trying to start conversation. I-"
      "I-It's okay. I'm not mad at you." He informed me.
      "Y-You're not?" I asked, "Mad, I mean."
      He shook his head, "N-No, why would I be?"
      I shook my head with him, "I don't know. I guess I thought that I hit a touchy subject."
      "No." He smiled, "I-I'm tired, though."
      I smiled back at him, "Yeah, me too. Goodnight."
      "Goodnight, y/n." He walked up the stairs, but I stayed put.
      He's not mad.
      I went upstairs and to my dorm. Ginny and Hermione were sitting in their beds talking.
      "Hey, y/n." Ginny greets me.
      "Hi." I walk next to my bed and grab a pair of shorts and a tank top, "I'm gonna go change quick."
      "Okay." Hermione said, then went back to their conversation.
      I walked out of the dorm and went to the bathroom in the Common Room. I changed out of my uniform and into my pajamas. I walked back into my dorm with my uniform in hand.
      "Wanna play two truths and a lie?" Ginny asked Hermione and I.
      "Sure." I tell her, setting my clothes down and sitting on my bed.
      "Yeah." Hermione said, stretching her legs out, "I'll go first."
      "Okay." Ginny and I said at the same time.
      "Okay." Hermione echoed, "I have an owl, I have a time-turner, and Arithmancy is my favorite class."
      "Owl." I say instantly, "You don't have an owl."
      "No, I'm gonna go with time-turner." Ginny said.
      Hermione and I shoot Ginny a look, "Where have you been, Ginny?" I ask, "Hermione has a cat. Names Crookshanks."
      Ginny started laughing in embarrassment, "Oh yeah."
      Now we're all laughing, "Your turn." Hermione said to me.
      "Me?" I asked. They both nodded, "Oh, okay, um..." I don't know what to lie about, but there is two things that are true, "I have a crush on Neville, I get along with Malfoy, and I suck at Herbology."
      "Neville." They both said at the same time.
      "There's no way you have a crush on Neville." Ginny said.
      Hermione nodded, "I haven't met a single person who has had a crush on Neville."
      "I don't get along with Malfoy." I whispered.
      "WHAT?" They both yelled.
      I gave them an awkward smile, "No." Hermione said, "It's just a phase."
      I shook my head, " 'Mione, remember when we helped Neville look for Trevor in first year on the train?"
      "Yeah?" She asked.
      "Then." I told her, "That was when it came. He was so nice, and gentle, and that's when I came to like him."
      "Oh wow." Ginny said, her face was blank like a deer in headlights.
      "Interesting." Hermione said, "Ginny. Your turn."
      She came back to reality, "Oh, I have four brothers, I have a crush on Harry, and I prefer night over day."
      "You have six brothers who are all older than you." I say.
      "Yep." Hermione agreed with me.
      "You really think that I have a crush on Harry?" Ginny asked, giggling.
      "We know that you have a crush on Harry." I said.
      "Everybody knows." Hermione said, "It's quite obvious."
      "Even Harry knows." I said, "But don't worry, I'm pretty sure he likes you back." I wink at her.
      "Okay, and I'm going to bed." She said.
      We all laugh, "Yeah, we have the stupid OWLs tomorrow." Hermione reminded us.
      We all crawled under our covers and closed our eyes, slowly falling asleep.
      Now all of my friends know. All of them except one. All of them except Neville.

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