Chapter 11- The Next Day

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I woke up with Hermione and Ginny. I stretched and yawned like a normal person would.
I sat up and looked the nightstand sitting next to my bed. It takes me a minute to process it, but I see a book set on it.
The Guide To Herbology.
On top of the book was a slip of paper, covered in ink. I picked it up and read:
Good morning, Sunflower. I had a really good time last night and I hope that you did as well. I told Professor Sprout that you will be taking the Herbology exam right before lunch. I'm lending you this book. During half of your free time, study. During the second half, take the exam. I already know that you're gonna do great. I have faith in you, Sunshine. Well, anyways, you have a great morning and I'll see you during lunch.
- N. L.

I can't stop myself from grinning like a fool.
"What are you so peppy about?" Ginny asked, snatching the note from my hands.
While she the notes, I flipped through the pages of the book.
Ginny sighed, "That's so sweet." She handed the note back, "I think you two are great together."
I giggle, "We've only been dating for a day or two."
Hermione came up from behind us, wearing her robes, "Your point is?"
I shrug and shake my head at the same time, "I need to get ready."
I stood up and grabbed my shirt, sweater, tie, skirt, and robe. I stepped behind the divider that Hermione and I set up during first year.
I changed into my clothes and stepped back out. I walked to my bin and dumped my dirty clothes inside.
      I folded up Neville's not and shoved it into my pocket. I grabbed my books, including the one that Neville had lended me.
      "I'm gonna head to class." I told my roommates.
      "Bye, y/n." Ginny called.
      I ran down the stairs, "Hey, Harry. Hey, Ron."
      Both boys looked at me from the couch, "Hey." They said.
      I left the Common Room, "Y/n!" The twins jumped out of nowhere.
      "HOLY CRICKET!" I screamed, punching them both, "What is wrong with you?"
      "Nothing." Fred responded.
      "Or perhaps everything." George suggested. I rolled my eyes while walking down the stairs, they were walking next to me.
      "So, where are you off to?" Fred asked.
      I looked at my hurrying feet, "Defense Against The Dark Arts."
      "D. A. T. D. A?" They asked.
      "Um..." I looked back and forth at both of them, "Sure. Are you coming with me?"
      They stopped, "Nope." George said quickly.
      "Can't." Fred followed shortly after him.
      I stopped and turned at them, "Why not?"
      "Detention." They responded.
      I scoff, "What did you do this time?"
      "Laid out some catnip." Fred said, beginning to walk again.
      George nodded, tagging along, "In front of McGonagall's office."
      "Oh?" I asked.
      "She turned to her cat form." Fred explained.
      George started laughing, "And then Mrs. Norris came along."
      "What happened?" I asked, looking ahead.
      "They fought." They both stated.
      I furrowed my eyebrows, "Over catnip?"
      "Yes, Princess."
      I started to laugh with them, "When are you two gonna quit and catch a break?"
      "Never." They said, running the opposite direction from me.
      "See you later!" I called after them.
      I made my way to the Dark Arts room. Everybody was sitting there silently while Umbridge spoke.
      I froze and turned around on my heels. Not today. Instead, I went to the Care of Magical Creatures.
      I wobbled down the hill and reunited with the rest of my classmates.
      "Woah, woah, woah." Malfoy said, walking towards me, "Slow down, Mudblood."
      I stopped and rolled my eyes at him, "What do you want, Malfoy?"
      "An apology." He responded sharply.
      I smirked at him, "I'm not gonna apologize to you."
      "And why's that?" Crabbe asked.
      I didn't answer, instead, I slowly took my wand out and set a tiny flame, sending it in front of Hagrid's face. He followed the flame over to me.
      "Answer him," Malfoy ran his tongue over his teeth, "you filthy, little Mudblood."
      "Mr. Malfoy." Hagrid startled him from behind, "I see that you've chosen detention for your next period."
      I smiled at Malfoy who was glaring at me, "Toodles."

      All of my morning classes have finished. It's now time for studying. I walk into the library and am accompanied by Oliver Wood.
      "Hey, Killer."
      "Wood." I nodded, walking past him.
      He followed me through the sections, "Are you ready?"
      "For what?" I asked, setting my belongings on the table in my usual study spot.
      He tilted his head in confusion, "Quidditch?"
      "Why would I be ready for Quidditch?" I asked.
      "Y/n. There's a match tonight." I raise and eyebrow at him, "Against Slytherin."
      It hit me, "Oh! Sorry, I forgot."
      He sighed, "Just, be ready."
      He stormed off and I opened the Herbology book.
      For about half and hour I read about Shrivelfig, Bubotuber, Devil's Snare, Leaping Toadstools, and a whole bunch of other plants.
      I closed the book slowly and sighed, "Alright, y/n. Let's go take that exam."

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