Chapter 9- The Break

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      I'm sitting in my bed, reading a book in my pajamas. Hermione and Ginny come up the stairs.
      "What is wrong with you?" Hermione asked.
      "He deserved it." I looked at her, "You probably would've done the same thing!"
      She huffed and walked away.
      I put my bookmark in my book and set it on my nightstand, "Are you mad at me as well?"
      "Yes." Ginny said, "And no."
      "I don't want an explanation." I told her, "Hagrid is forcing me to stay here in the dorm all day tomorrow."
      "Oh," Ginny looked around, "I can bring your food and homework for you tomorrow."
      "Thank you, but I already have someone to do that." I inform her.
      "Oh, okay." She smiled, "Who?"
      I clear my throat, "Neville."
      "Oh?" She asked, smiling.
      I'm blushing, but I don't care, "Yeah."
      She smiled and nodded, "Good for you."
      "Thanks." I squirm downwards so I'm laying, "I should hit the hay."
      "Yeah, me too." She said, "Goodnight."

      I wake up hearing footsteps walking up the stairs. When I open my eyes, Neville is standing at the foot of my bed.
      "Morning, Sunflower." He greeted me.
      "Morning." I sit up and pause, "Did you just call me, 'Sunflower'?"
      His face went white, "Um, yeah. I-Is that okay?"
      I smile, "Yeah. I liked it."
      He smiled, "Great!"
      I noticed what he was carrying, "Speaking of Sunflowers." I said.
      He looked at the Sunflower in his hands, "Um, yeah, I-I got this from t-the greenhouse. For you."
      I'm blushing, "Awe, thank you, Nev."
      "You're welcome." He smiled. He walked up next to me and set the flower on my nightstand, "Um, y/n?"
      He rubbed the back of his neck, "I was wondering if y-you would want to go on an a-actual, um, date?"
I smiled from ear to ear, "Yeah, of course."
"Really?" He asked, plastering a smile across his face.
"Yeah." I nod rapidly.
He chuckled, "Perfect. I-I'll come get you during dinner."
"Yeah." I said.
He made a rhythmic beat by hitting his legs with his hands, "Alright, so, I'll be back during lunch with your food and homework." I nod, "and then I'll come back during dinner, put your homework on your bed, and we can go."
"Yes. Sounds good." I giggle.
He hesitated, but he leaned over me and lightly kissed me on the forehead.
Don't faint.
"I'll see you later, Sunflower." He ran down the stairs.
I stood up and walked to the body mirror. Well, what shall we do today while we wait? I can clean. That's exactly what I did.
I grabbed the pile of books on the floor and set them onto my bookshelf, along with the book that I was reading last night.
I made my bed and looked around, I guess there wasn't much to clean.
I looked at the Sunflower that Neville gave me. I walked to it and carefully picked it up. I walked to the window and set the pot down on the floor.
I stepped back and looked at the plant, smiling.
Now what do I do? I could visit Hagrid. I know that his doors are always open.
I grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a Quidditch shirt from my dresser. I changed into them and threw my dirty clothes in the box that I put all of my dirty clothes in.
I brushed my hair and put some tennis-shoes on. I grabbed my wand just in case.
      I ran down the stairs, feeling the warmth of the fireplace around the room. I exited through the door and walked out of the castle.
      I walked down to Hagrid's hut and knocked on the door.
      "Uh, one moment!" He yelled through the door. I waited patiently and when he opened the door he said, "Oh, y/n, it's just you. Come in."
      "What animal are you hiding this time?" I asked him, walking through the door.
      "I don't know what you're talking about." He said.
      I opened the cauldron that he had next to his fireplace, "Dragon?" I asked.
      "Occamy." He responded.
      I turned and looked at him, "Occamy? Hagrid! Aren't Occamy eggs protected by their parents?"
      "Well I am it's parent." He took the egg out of the cauldron, "I'm it's Momma."
      "Hagrid." I took the egg out of his hands, "You know that Dumbledore isn't going to allow you to keep it."
      He sighed, "I know." He took the egg back and set it on his table, "What are you doing down here?"
      "I came to visit sense I have nothing else to do." I shrugged and sat on one of his gigantic chairs.
      "Oh." He said, "It's almost lunch, I'm sure Mr. Longbottom will visit you soon."
      "I know." I enlightened him, "So, what's the next animal gonna be?"
      "The next animal?" He asked.
      "Yeah," I nodded at the egg, "you're obviously going to get another animal after the Occamy gets taken away."
      "Oh yeah, well, I don't know yet." He shrugged.
      "Well, I mean, either way it's gonna be taken away from you." I remind him.
      He nodded, "I'm aware."
      I stood up, "Well, Neville's gonna be back, and it's a little jaunt back up to the castle."
      "Yeah, thanks for visiting." He opened the door.
      I left the hut, "Bye, Hagrid."
      I walked back up to the castle and into the Common Room. As soon as I walked in, Neville was sitting on the couch in front of the fire.
      "Hey, Nev." I said.
      He stood up and showed me a small stack of books and a plate of food, "H-Hi, Sunflower."
      I took the things from his arms, "Thank you."
      "You're welcome."
      I set the items down on the table next to the couch. I sat down next to him.
      I picked up the plate to eat, Neville took one of the rolls, "C-Can I have this?" He asked.
      I nod as I shove some grapes into my mouth.
      The Common Room door opened and three of the Weasley's walked in.
      "Hey, Darlin'." George said.
      I looked at Neville and he looked confused, "That's my nickname."
      "Oh." Neville nodded.
      Fred waved, "How are you, Princess?"
      "I'm okay." I said through a mouthful of food.
      "What you did yesterday was awesome." George told me.
      I looked around them, "Where's 'Mione?"
      "She's still mad at you." Ginny informed me.
      "Oh, okay." I shrugged. I looked at all of them, "You need to go eat."
      The twins reached into their robes and pulled a bunch of food out, "Way ahead of you."
      "Did you guys really smuggle food to come eat with me?" I asked them, shoving even more food in my mouth.
      "Yes we did." Ginny said, pulling food out of her robe.
      I started laughing and they laughed along with me.
      After we all finished eating, the Weasley gang left and it was just Neville and I.
      We both stood up, "I-I'm gonna go to class and get your homework. Be ready before d-dinner, please."
      "Yes, I will be ready by then." I tell him.
      "Great." He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. That's another thing that makes me blush.
      "I'll see you later." I told him.
      I watched him walk to the door, "I'll see you later, Sunshine."
      He left the Common Room and I nearly fainted. I ran up to my dorm.
      What am I going to wear for my date?

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